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Low level attester and verifier drivers for multiple TEEs

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librats is a C library designed to facilitate remote attestation for secure computing environments. It provides a framework for attesting the integrity of computing environments remotely, enabling trust establishment between different Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs).

How to start ?

We currently provide a sample app that uses librats named cert-app, which you can take a look at here.

Also, for the functions exposed by librats, see the include/librats/api.h file.

Build from source

We are currently not providing a pre-built version of librats, and you have to manual compilation from the source. And we use cmake to build this project, which makes it easy to integrate.

Build Requirements Installation

Use docker image

We've provided docker images of the librats build environment, which includes all the packages that need to be installed for building librats.

  • runetest/compilation-testing:anolis8.6
  • runetest/compilation-testing:ubuntu20.04

Install manually

  • This project has been tested on the following platforms, it should also work on similar distributions.

    • Anolis OS 8.6 64bits
    • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server 64bits
  • Install some necessary packages

    • On Anolis 8.6

      dnf install -y --nogpgcheck epel-release
      dnf --enablerepo=PowerTools install -y git wget \
          make cmake autoconf libtool gcc gcc-c++ \
          openssl-devel libcurl-devel dnf-utils patch \
    • On Ubuntu 22.04

      echo "deb bionic main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
      apt-get update
      apt-get install -y libprotobuf10
      apt-get install -y make git vim clang-format-9 gcc \
          pkg-config protobuf-compiler debhelper cmake \
          wget net-tools curl file gnupg tree libcurl4-openssl-dev \
          libbinutils libseccomp-dev libssl-dev binutils-dev libprotoc-dev \
  • Install the Rust toolchain, which is needed by some dependencies of this project. You can install it by following the instructions at this link.

  • (For SGX enclave) You may need to install the LVI mitigated toolchain to mitigate the Load Value Injection attack vulnerability of Intel SGX. For more infomation, see this link.

    • On Anolis 8.6

      wget$SGX_SDK_VERSION/as.ld.objdump.r4.tar.gz && \
          tar -zxvf as.ld.objdump.r4.tar.gz && cp -rf external/toolset/anolis8.6/* /usr/local/bin/ && \
          rm -rf external && rm -rf as.ld.objdump.r4.tar.gz
    • On Ubuntu 22.04

      wget$SGX_SDK_VERSION/as.ld.objdump.r4.tar.gz && \
          tar -zxvf as.ld.objdump.r4.tar.gz && cp -rf external/toolset/ubuntu20.04/* /usr/local/bin/ && \
          rm -rf external && rm -rf as.ld.objdump.r4.tar.gz
  • Install SGX SDK using the following steps, or refer to the "Intel® SGX Application Developer" section of this guide for installation instructions.

    Note: Requires Intel SGX SDK version >= 2.23

    • On Anolis 8.6

      wget$SGX_SDK_VERSION/distro/Anolis86/sgx_linux_x64_sdk_$SGX_SDK_RELEASE_NUMBER.bin && \
          chmod +x sgx_linux_x64_sdk_$SGX_SDK_RELEASE_NUMBER.bin && \
          echo -e 'n\n\/opt/intel\n' | ./sgx_linux_x64_sdk_$SGX_SDK_RELEASE_NUMBER.bin
    • On Ubuntu 22.04

      wget$SGX_SDK_VERSION/distro/ubuntu20.04-server/sgx_linux_x64_sdk_$SGX_SDK_RELEASE_NUMBER.bin && \
          chmod +x sgx_linux_x64_sdk_$SGX_SDK_RELEASE_NUMBER.bin && \
          echo -e 'no\n/opt/intel\n' | ./sgx_linux_x64_sdk_$SGX_SDK_RELEASE_NUMBER.bin
  • Install SGX DCAP using the following steps, or refer to the "Intel® SGX Application User" section of this guide for installation instructions.

    Note: Requires Intel DCAP version >= 1.20

    • On Anolis 8.6

      a. Add repository to package manager of your distro.

      wget$SGX_SDK_VERSION/distro/Anolis86/sgx_rpm_local_repo.tgz && \
          tar zxvf sgx_rpm_local_repo.tgz && \
          dnf config-manager --add-repo sgx_rpm_local_repo
      dnf makecache

      b. Install DCAP related packages.

      dnf install --nogpgcheck -y libsgx-headers-"$SGX_SDK_VERSION*" \
          libsgx-dcap-quote-verify-devel-"$SGX_DCAP_VERSION*" \
          libsgx-dcap-ql-devel-"$SGX_DCAP_VERSION*" \
    • On Ubuntu 22.04

      a. Add repository to package manager of your distro.

      echo "deb [arch=amd64] focal main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/intel-sgx.list && \
          wget -qO - | apt-key add -
      apt-get update -y

      b. Install DCAP related packages.

      apt-get install -y libsgx-headers="$SGX_SDK_VERSION*" \
          libsgx-dcap-quote-verify-dev="$SGX_DCAP_VERSION*" \
          libsgx-dcap-ql-dev="$SGX_DCAP_VERSION*" \
  • (For TDX attester) Install the TDX Attestation library

    • On Anolis 8.6

      dnf install --nogpgcheck -y libtdx-attest-devel-"$SGX_DCAP_VERSION*"
    • On Ubuntu 22.04

      apt-get install -y libtdx-attest-dev="$SGX_DCAP_VERSION*"

Build and Install librats

Please follow the command to build librats from the latested source code on your system.

  1. Download the latest source code of librats

    mkdir -p "$WORKSPACE"
    cd "$WORKSPACE"
    git clone
  2. Build and install librats

    Note that SGX LVI mitigation is enabled by default. You can set macro SGX_LVI_MITIGATION to 0 to disable SGX LVI mitigation.

    Note: If you have the SGX SDK installed in a path other than the default path /opt/intel, please specify it using -DSGX_SDK=<path-to-sdk>.

    • If you want to build instances related to sgx(sgx_ecdsa, sgx_ecdsa_qve, sgx_la), please type the following command.

      cmake -DRATS_BUILD_MODE="sgx" -H. -Bbuild
      make -C build install
    • If you want to run instances on libos occlum, please type the following command.

      cmake -DRATS_BUILD_MODE="occlum" -H. -Bbuild
      make -C build install
    • If you want to run TDX instances, please type the following command.

      cmake -DRATS_BUILD_MODE="tdx" -H. -Bbuild
      make -C build install
    • If you want to run instances on AMD SEV/SEV-ES/SEV-SNP, CSV or non-TEE host, please type the following command.

      cmake -DRATS_BUILD_MODE="host" -H. -Bbuild
      make -C build install
  3. Build and install librats sample apps

    You can just set -DBUILD_SAMPLES=on for also building samples of librats.

    The sample app cert-app will be installed to /usr/share/librats/samples/cert-app on your system. All instances are placed in /usr/local/lib/librats/.

  4. Wasm support

    librats provides support for WebAssembly, which enables it to run in the browser and WAMR.

    • If you want to run it in browser, please read this document.

    • If you want to run it in WAMR, please type the following command.

      # install librats in host mode first
      cmake -H. -Bbuild
      make -C build install
      # export librats APIs to wamr
      cd wasm/wamr
      cmake -H. -Bbuild
      make -C build
      # run the sample
      cd build
      ./iwasm sample/test.wasm

Run librats

Right now, librats supports the following instance types:

Priority Attester instances Verifier instances
0 nullattester nullverifier
15 sgx_la sgx_la
20 csv csv
35 sev sev
42 sev_snp sev_snp
42 tdx_ecdsa tdx_ecdsa
52 sgx_ecdsa sgx_ecdsa
53 sgx_ecdsa sgx_ecdsa_qve

For instance priority, the higher, the stronger. By default, librats will select the highest priority instance to use.

Some special notices

Notice: special prerequisites for TDX remote attestation in bios configuration and hardware capability.

Check msr 0x503, return value must be 0:

sudo rdmsr 0x503s

Note that if you want to run SEV-SNP remote attestation, please refer to link to set up the host and guest Linux kernel, qemu and ovmf bios used for launching SEV-SNP guest.

Notice: special prerequisites for SEV(-ES) remote attestation in software capability.

Notice: special prerequisites for CSV(2) remote attestation in software capability.

  • Kernel support CSV(2) runtime attestation, please manually apply theses patches.

Enable bootstrap debugging

In the early bootstrap of librats, the debug message is mute by default. In order to enable it, please explicitly set the environment variable RATS_GLOBAL_LOG_LEVEL=<log_level>, where <log_level> is same as the values of the option -l.

Third Party Dependencies

Direct Dependencies

Name Repo URL Licenses
linux-sgx BSD-3-clause
SGXDataCenterAttestationPrimitives BSD-3-clause
GNU C library C library GNU General Public License version 3