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Inclavare Containers 0.6.2 release

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@haosanzi haosanzi released this 01 Jul 06:10

This version is transitional, with some bug fixes, improves the quality and stability, and prepares for the next version.

The major feature in this release is that Enclave-TLS supports Crypto Wrapper and TLS instances based on OpenSSL, replacing WolfSSL due to license issue. The Crypto Wrapper and TLS instances based on WolfSSL will be maintained out of Inclavare Containers repository. If you want to know the details about Enclave-TLS, please refer to Enclave-TLS design doc.

In addition, the failure of docker exec with rune is fixed. This release also implements several CI/CD actions to improve the reusability of the workflow and enhances the error handling to improve the stability of integration testing.

The next release will continue to enhance the quality and stability, and conduct the official EAA design.

By the way, the best practice document of Inclavare-Containers in Alibaba Cloud ACK-TEE has been released. Please refer to document to deploy confidential containers in managed Kubernetes cluster for confidential computing and refer to this document to use confidential containers to implement remote attestation in a managed Kubernetes cluster for confidential computing.


  • Replace WolfSSL with OpenSSL in Enclave-TLS
  • Fix docker exec issue
  • Improve the stability of CI/CD