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Todo List or TaskLister

What is this project about?

taskLister is my implementation of The Odin Projects Todo-list project.

Built with vanilla JS, CSS and HTML.

Live site:


Technical features:

  • designed using the MVC pattern to have proper seperation of concerns
  • as per MVC principles, view and model never directly interact but controller modules (taskcontroller and eventListeners) work as intermediares in directing actions
  • built using webpack
  • app uses npm packages such as dayjs and Google Material icons
  • tasks are created with a class, other modules follow the IIFE pattern
  • CSS transforms are used to create subtle animation effects
  • all HTML elements are generated by DOM manipulation
  • localstorage is used for permanence between sessions

User feature:

  • user can add, edit and delete tasks
  • user can view tasks based on project or other options (tasks due today, etc)
  • task priority is indicated with a color coding
  • task cards have indicators on how many days are left until task is overdue or if it is overdue
  • user can come back to the app later and tasks have permanence in localstorage


  • the app is not mobile responsive
  • creation of DOM elements is inefficient and the code is hard to read, same holds for event listeners, where function names arent always properly indicative of purpose
  • user currently has no way of deleting a project other than deleting tasks one at a time -> feature to fix this is in planning project deletion has been implemented


This has been the most challenging and also rewarding project in my coding journey so far. Using MVC pattern, class syntax and modules in general was a great lesson in code organisation.

The project scope has been significantly bigger than with the previous TOP assingments, so proper planning was very helpful. For this I used Excalidraw, notebooks, notes on my repo and some pseudocode.


Odin Project Todo List






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