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It's a totally clear unmodified Laravel 7.x with my own Docker container support in the Docker/ subfolder. Totally independent project from the Laravel developers!

First steps

Read the README in the Docker/ subfolder

And don't forget to clone the traefik repository

copy .env.example to .env and fill / add / modify variables

The host for mysql and memcached/redis are set for the Docker environment

Edit configs

In the Laravel's config/ subfolder

Install composer packages

After you enter into the container with: docker exec -it <php-fpm-container-id> /bin/bash You can do in the /var/www: composer install etc...

Run Laravel database migration in the php-fpm container!

docker exec -it <php-fpm-container-id> /bin/bash php artisan migrate php artisan db:seed

Always use php artisan inside the php-fpm container!