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What happens when a runtime executes a WebAseembly file?

When a user executes a WebAssembly file with Wasmer, the following happens:

  • Parsing: Wasmer parses the wasm file, assuring its validity according to the spec.
  • Function compilation: the function bodies defined in WebAssembly bytecode are compiled to machine code via a compiler framework (Cranelift, LLVM, …), so they can be executed at native speed. This process generates a Module object.
  • Instantiation: at this step, we create the memories (where data lives) and tables (where functions pointers are stored) that the WebAssembly Instance will use.
Once we have everything in place, we call the start function in the instance (usually that’s the main function in C, C++ or Rust)

from Running WebAssembly 100x faster - Wasmer

We can generally consider a WebAssembly runtime does a four step job:

  • a. parsing
  • b. compilation
  • c. instantiation
  • d. execution

When we benchmark a runtime, we want to know how long each step takes. For compilation, there is also a space concern.

What are compilation/execution modes?

Different runtimes have different designs based on the targeted use cases, eg. Wasmer lets you exchange the compiler backend and Lucet is designed for ahead-of-time compilation.

When we benchmark a JIT (or interpretation) runtime, it is about the performance of a+b+c+d.

When we benchmark a AOT runtime, given it splits the whole process into two separate stages (compile and execute), an overhead of handling the compiled object is introduced:

  • AOT compile: a+b+b' in which b' means saving the compiled object into a storage (or cache)
  • AOT execute: c'+c+d in which c' means loading the compiled object from a storage (or cache)

In addition, when we compare the performance with native, we are specifically looking at step d, pure execution.

Benchmark Plan


Sampes should be of different size and complexity. You can check wasm-sample for how to compile the sample programs into wasm. Here is an overview of each sample:

  • add-one.wasm is 2.6k with simple logic
  • nbody.wasm is 9.3k with complex logic
  • fibonacci.wasm* is 16k with a simple but recursive logic
  • mruby-script.wasm* is 1.2M with a mruby script along with the interpreter compiled. It get only gets used in the "AOT compile" case.


For one WebAssembly runtime, we want to measure the performance of each step:

  • ab. compile (parse is included and inseparable)
  • c. instantiate
  • d. execute


For a bunch of WebAssembly runtimes, in addition to comparing the above metrics, we should also consider the performance of

  • JIT: a+b+c+d

  • AOT compile: a+b+b' (also measuring space for b')

  • AOT execute: c'+c+d

  • pure execution: d

  • performance with addition features, like WASI



$ cargo bench

Check result at STDOUT or target/criterion/report/index.html.



  • Add WAVM, in addition to Wasmer and Lucet.
  • Bench WASI


Individual - Wasmer/Singlepass

ab. compile c. instantiate d. execute
add-one 907.89 us 11.880 us 1.5622 us
nobody 3.7359 ms 15.936 us 57.256 us
fibonacci 6.7746 ms 18.522 us 6.8601 us

Parsing happens in compilation

Individual - Wasmer/Cranelift

ab. compile c. instantiate d. execute
add-one 2.7364 ms 11.717 us 764.69 ns
nobody 8.1322 ms 15.696 us 25.079 us
fibonacci 16.133 ms 17.718 us 2.4047 us

Individual - Wasmer/LLVM

ab. compile c. instantiate d. execute
add-one 1.1674 s 17.606 us 780.84 ns
nobody 5.8321 s 35.037 us 13.068 us
fibonacci 9.1097 s 35.125 us 1.9549 us

The performance of execute is the best so far, but the compile time is too slow to be accepted

Individual - Lucet

ab. compile c. instantiate d. execute
add-one 19.614 ms 160.52 us 9.9157 us
nobody 52.497 ms 156.13 us 27.367 us
fibonacci 101.63 ms 157.93 us 11.104 us

Comparison - JIT


wasmer/singlepass wasmer/cranelift wasmer/llvm lucet
add-one 1.1253 ms 3.4631 ms 1.2624 s NA
nobody 4.8221 ms 10.350 ms 5.9734 s NA
fibonacci 7.2267 ms 19.296 ms 10.183 s NA

Lucet doens't support or is not designed for JIT

Comparison - AOT

AOT total


wasmer/singlepass wasmer/cranelift wasmer/llvm lucet
add-one 1.7526 ms 4.0685 ms 1.1734 s 18.195 ms
nobody 6.4503 ms 11.218 ms 5.2861 s 49.371 ms
fibonacci 11.781 ms 19.107 ms 9.9057 s 104.42 ms

By comparing AOT total with JIT, we can see the overhead introduced by b'+c'

AOT compile (time)


wasmer/singlepass wasmer/cranelift wasmer/llvm lucet
add-one 1.0323 ms 3.0077 ms 1.1484 s 16.965 ms
nobody 5.4153 ms 8.9157 ms 5.2498 s 47.605 ms
fibonacci 8.7047 ms 19.099 ms 9.6198 s 102.75 ms
mruby-script 561.88 ms ~38.57 s ~34.24 s ~34.46 s

~ means an estimation based on the bench log output. The actual bench program is not finished.

AOT compile (space)


The size of intermediate files different runtimes compile to, which is configured to be in tmp/. The following numbers are generated by clean the tmp/ (You need to create an empty tmp/lucet for lucet cache), run the bench, and check the cached file size in tmp/.

source wasmer/singlepass wasmer/cranelift wasmer/llvm lucet
add-one 2.1 K 41 K 18 K 13 K 21 K
nobody 9.3 K 222 K 62 K 30 K 58 K
fibonacci 16 K 362 K 98 K 43 K 86 K
mruby-script 1.2 M 24 M / / /

AOT execution


wasmer/singlepass wasmer/cranelift wasmer/llvm lucet
add-one 244.24 us 89.810 us 904.55 us 175.81 us
nobody 1.2892 ms 202.61 us 2.1254 ms 205.35 us
fibonacci 1.9484 ms 221.65 us 2.0697 ms 194.29 us

Comparison - Pure execution


native wasmer/singlepass wasmer/cranelift wasmer/llvm lucet
add-one 702.20 ps 1.4755 us 754.35 ns 757.57 ns 9.8288 us
fibonacci 950.04 ns 5.9847 us 2.1972 us 1.5783 us 10.981 us
nobody 950.85 ns 54.357 us 24.906 us 12.975 us 28.883 us


Benchmark on WebAssembly runtimes






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