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Software Development Capstone

This is material for the Software Development Capstone Hy-Tech Club Course.


In the capstone course, students will work on one long-term project for the entirety of the semester. There may be some instructor-led lessons scattered throughout the course, but most of the time will be spent working individually or as teams to build software applications.

This course will be offered to students that are self-motivated, hard-working, and up for the challenge. Should a student wish to apply for Capstone, the Tech Outreach team will consult with the student's former instructors to determine if the student would be a good fit for the course. If an applicant is not a former Hy-Tech Club student, skill assessments may be given to determine if this is the best option for them.

Instructor-Led Lessons



  • Discord for communication between teams and with instructors
  • Trello for story/ticket tracking
  • GitHub for code storage and collaboration
  • Any technology they want for the actual projects, with some guidelines

Student Skills

Throughout the semester, students should learn and practice the following skills:

Project Management

Students should be able to manage their own work using Trello. They should plan their project properly, delegate tasks, and complete work as needed.

Project Scoping

Students should be able to plan around a proper scope for their project. Their projects should be able to be completed within the time allotted for the semester. They should at least have an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) by the end of the semester.


Students should be able to work effectively as a team. They should communicate using Discord (or another platform), speak up when they need help, and assist each other as needed. They should also treat each other with respect and dignity.

Self-Guided Work

Students should be able to decide their own path and learn on their own. They can learn from online tutorials, or from their instructors, but it should be up to them to determine their own success.


Students should be able to present their work to stakeholders. They should feel comfortable and confident during their demonstrations, and they should communicate their ideas clearly.

Technical Knowledge

Students should challenge themselves to learn something new throughout the course of the semester. This does not mean they have to learn an entirely new technology, but they should broaden their knowledge in at least one technological area.


Software Development Capstone material






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