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@awjh-ibm awjh-ibm released this 31 May 15:51
· 9 commits to master since this release

Vehicle Manufacture Demo 馃殫 馃敡

  • Updated to allow config to be set at run time in the vehicle builder allowing it to be run on a mobile device 鈽庯笍 馃摫
  • Pushing docker images should also fix crashing of vehicle builder app when running the installer

INTRODUCING Letters of Credit 鉁夛笍 馃挵

Eyebrows were raised when we released of the letters-of-credit-network and their were rumours in all the major news sources that today a sample application may follow, well they were right! This release includes an application that allows you take participants through the letter of credit network!

Info on the letter of credit can be found in packages/letters-of-credit.

Thanks to @erin-hughes, @nikkkola @jackson-ross, @hannahrayner for making this.

DISCLAIMER: All major news sources above does not cover any actual major news sources.