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Console service stores informations about users, take care of registration, login and users/bots managements. You can familiarize yourself with the Hu:toma console by going over our documentation or by checking a brief intro video. You can also check our live demo. For further questions or issues visit us here.

The Bot Console is part of the Conversational AI Platform and can be also installed if you follow the instructions posted in our main repo

Build and Test

Build the Stack

This can take a while, especially the first time you run this particular command on your development system:

docker-compose build

Boot the System

The first time it is run it might take a while to get started, but subsequent runs will occur quickly.

Start database and cache containers

docker-compose up -d mysql mailhog redis

Running management commands

Before running the commands please check if you have a secret.env file.

As with any shell command that we wish to run in our container, this is done using the docker-compose run command.

To migrate your application and load initial data from fixtures, run:

docker-compose run --rm django python migrate
docker-compose run --rm django python createsuperuser

Start the app

For starting application in detached mode, run:

docker-compose up -d django

For logs checking, run:

docker-compose logs django


To run tests locally:

docker-compose run --rm test