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FastFold v0.2.0

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@oahzxl oahzxl released this 27 Oct 07:07
· 32 commits to main since this release


Hi, here is FastFold v0.2.0. Compared to the previous version, now we inference faster and with less memory and support multimer inference.

What's Changed

  1. Save up to 75% GPU memory, able to inference sequence containing more than 10000 residues in bf16.
  2. Better softmax and layernorm kernel optimization based on Triton, at least 25% faster than previous version.
  3. Faster data processing, about 3 times faster on monomer, about 3N times faster on multimer with N sequence.
  4. Support multimer inference.


  1. Build from source
  2. Conda (recommended)
  3. Pypi
  4. Docker

Have a nice trip!