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Harsh Parashar edited this page Jan 29, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the OpenlySource Wiki Page

-OpenlySource Slack Community OpenlySource is a community focused on promoting open source contribution and providing support to new contributors. Our goal is to build a welcoming community where we can share our experiences and knowledge of open source projects.

What is Open Source?

Open source refers to a certain kind of license that allows the source code of a software to be made available to the public, allowing anyone to use, modify, or distribute the software. Open source encourages collaboration and innovation, leading to faster development and better software.

Why Contribute to Open Source?

Contributing to open source projects can provide several benefits, including:

  • Gaining real-world experience and expanding your skill set
  • Building a strong portfolio and demonstrating your technical ability to potential employers
  • Collaborating with a global community of developers and contributing to a cause greater than yourself
  • Improving your communication and teamwork skills

Getting Started with Open Source

  • Identify your areas of interest and find related open source projects
  • Look for projects with "Good First Issues" or "Beginner Friendly" labels
  • Read the contribution guidelines and understand how to submit a pull request
  • Start small and work on simple tasks before moving on to more complex ones

Open Source Events -

There are many open source events that provide opportunities for individuals to get involved and contribute to open source projects. Some popular events include:

  • Google Summer of Code (GSOC)

  • Season of Docs (SOD)

  • Open Source events such as hackathons, coding sprints, and meetups

Joining the OpenlySource Community

Join our community to stay updated on open source opportunities, receive support from experienced contributors, and connect with like-minded individuals.

We welcome contributions and suggestions to improve this Wiki page. Thank you for being a part of the OpenlySource community!

-OpenlySource Slack Community