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Table to Markdown Copier

Copy any html table on the web and convert them into markdown format.

Greasyfork Link

[ Greasyfork ]

[ Install ]


  1. Display The Interface
    • Press Shift, Shift, T (press in sequence, not together as combination)
  2. Click on the "MD" button to copy the markdown content to your clipboard


  • Support both th and td (old vs new table markup)
  • Support colspan


  • If the colspan is not exact, this will create improper table size (sometime ppl use large colspan to fill the unknown column size colspan="100" even when there only 7 columns for instance)


  • Fix the colspan error
  • Add ref link below the table
  • Detect and generate text alignment

Change Logs

  • v1.0.1
    • Fixed where the copy button pickup more than one tables


Regular table

Before turn on the markdown control

Table after markdown table control is activated

After turn on the markdown control

Markdown Content

| Character | Byte order             | Size     | Alignment   |
| @         | native                 | native   | native      |
| =         | native                 | standard | none        |
| <         | little-endian          | standard | none        |
| >         | big-endian             | standard | none        |
| !         | network (= big-endian) | standard | none        |
[Table Source](

Markdown Render

Character Byte order Size Alignment
@ native native native
= native standard none
< little-endian standard none
> big-endian standard none
! network (= big-endian) standard none
Table Source