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teamcity-ldap-sync -- Sync your Teamcity groups and users with LDAP directory server

The teamcity-ldap-sync script is used for one side sync of existing LDAP groups and users into Teamcity. Idea taken zabbix-ldap-sync

Tested on:
  • Linux 4.14.3-1
  • Python 2.7.12, 2.7.14 and Python 3.6.3
  • ldap3==2.4 and requests==2.18.4
For test and development:

Copy-paste to your shell

cd && mkdir teamcity-test-srv && \
docker run -it --name teamcity-server \
-v $HOME/teamcity-test-srv/:/data/teamcity_server/datadir \
-v $HOME/teamcity-test-srv/:/opt/teamcity/logs      \
-p 80:8111     \

Open browser, configure teamcity, paste user credential to teamcity-ldap.conf, test it.



Teamcity user should have System Administrator role.

Config file sections


  • type - Select type of ldap server, can be activedirectory or openldap
  • uri - URI of the LDAP server, including port
  • base - Base Distinguished Name
  • binduser - LDAP user which has permissions to perform LDAP search
  • bindpass - Password for LDAP user
  • groups - LDAP groups to sync with Teamcity (support wildcard - TESTED ONLY with Active Directory, see Command-line arguments)


  • filtergroup = The ldap filter to get group in ActiveDirectory mode, by default (&(objectClass=group)(name=%s))
  • filteruser = The ldap filter to get the users in ActiveDirectory mode, by default (objectClass=user)(objectCategory=Person)
  • filterdisabled = The filter to get the disabled user in ActiveDirectory mode, by default (!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))
  • filtermemberof = The filter to get memberof in ActiveDirectory mode, by default (memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=%s)
  • groupattribute = The attribute used for membership in a group in ActiveDirectory mode, by default member
  • userattribute = The attribute for users in ActiveDirectory mode sAMAccountName


  • type = The storage mode for group and users can be posix or groupofnames
  • filtergroup = The ldap filter to get group in OpenLDAP mode, by default (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=%s))
  • filteruser = The ldap filter to get the users in OpenLDAP mode, by default (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))
  • groupattribute = The attribute used for membership in a group in OpenLDAP mode, by default memberUid
  • userattribute = The attribute for users in openldap mode, by default uid


  • server - Teamcity URL
  • username - Teamcity username.
  • password - Teamcity user password
  • verify_certificate - Don't check Teamcity certificate

Configuration file example

type = activedirectory
uri = ldap://
base = dc=company,dc=com
binduser = domain_login
bindpass = domain_password
groups = R.*.Teamcity.*

filtergroup = (&(objectClass=group)(name=%s))
filteruser = (objectClass=user)(objectCategory=Person)
filterdisabled = (!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))
filtermemberof = (memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=%s)
groupattribute = member
userattribute = sAMAccountName

type = posix
filtergroup = (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(cn=%s))
filteruser = (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))
groupattribute = memberUid
userattribute = uid

server = http://localhost
username = teamcity_user_login
password = teamcity_user_password
verify_certificate = False

Command-line arguments

Usage: teamcity-ldap-sync [-sr] -f <config>
       teamcity-ldap-sync -h

  -h, --help                    Display this usage info
  -s, --skip-disabled           Skip disabled AD users
  -r, --recursive               Resolves AD group members recursively (i.e. nested groups)
  -f <config>, --file <config>  Configuration file to use

Importing LDAP users into Teamcity

Now that we have the above mentioned configuration file created, let's import our groups and users from LDAP to Teamcity.

$ teamcity-ldap-sync -f /path/to/teamcity-ldap.conf

You would generally be running the above scripts on regular basis, say each day from cron(8) in order to make sure your Teamcity is in sync with LDAP.


  • ldaps connection


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  • Python 100.0%