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homalg project

Repositories of the computer algebra packages relying on the projects homalg and CAP.


  1. CAP_project CAP_project Public

    CAP project -- Categories, Algorithms, and Programming

    GAP 21 17

  2. homalg_project homalg_project Public

    Deposited packages of the homalg project

    GAP 10 18

  3. CategoricalTowers CategoricalTowers Public

    Towers of category constructors

    GAP 4 4

  4. HigherHomologicalAlgebra HigherHomologicalAlgebra Public

    A GAP framework for categorical homological algebra with special focus on homotopy categories and tilting equivalences

    GAP 5 6

  5. CapAndHomalg.jl CapAndHomalg.jl Public

    The CAP and homalg projects compatibility package for Julia

    Julia 2 5

  6. CapAndHomalgNotebooks CapAndHomalgNotebooks Public

    CAP and homalg based packages

    Jupyter Notebook 4


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