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Digital Services Tax Stub


The Digital Services Tax (DST) digital service is split into a number of different microservices all serving specific functions which are listed below:

Frontend - The main frontend for the service which includes the pages for registration, returns and an account home page.

Backend - The service that the frontend uses to call HOD APIs to retrieve and send information relating to business information and subscribing to regime.

Stub - Microservice that is used to mimic the DES APIs when running services locally or in the development and staging environments.

This is the stub, it mimics the behaviour of the the HOD's used in the service.

For details about the digital services tax see the GOV.UK guidance


POST /registration/organisation/utr/:utr Stub of the rosmLookupWithId call. A utr is required.

POST /registration/02.00.00/organisation Mocks rosmLookupWithoutID, returns a INVALID_PAYLOAD is the regime does not match DST.

POST /cross-regime/subscription/:regime/:idType/:idNumber Handles generic subscription api response for DST registration.

POST /cross-regime/return/DST/eeits/:dstRegNo Returns a processsingDate and formBundleNumber in response to a DST return.

GET /enterprise/obligation-data/zdst/:dstRegNo/DST Returns DST return periods.

GET /trigger/callback/te/:seed Allows for manual tax enrolments callback, the seed can be utr or safId, they must equal what was used in registration.

GET /get-subscription/:seed Retrieves a generated DST subscription.

GET /enterprise/financial-data/ZDST/:dstRegNo/DST Displays canned financial data

Running from source

Clone the repository using SSH:

If you need to setup SSH, see the github guide to setting up SSH

Run the code from source using

sbt run

Open your browser and navigate to the following url:


Running through service manager

Run the following command in a terminal: nano /home/<USER>/.sbt/.credentials

See the output and ensure it is populated with the following details:

realm=Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager

You need to be on the VPN

Ensure your service manager config is up to date, and run the following command:

sm --start DST_ALL -f

This will start all the required services

Running scalafmt

To apply scalafmt formatting using the rules configured in the .scalafmt.conf, run:

sbt scalafmtAll

To check the files have been formatted correctly, run:

sbt scalafmtCheckAll


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License