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Deploys Fluent Bit. Tailored to collect security events from NeuVector and forward to an Azure Log Analytics workspace.

This configuration uses the Fluent Bit syslog input plugin using the syslog-rfc5424 parser, which NeuVector supports by default.

This deployment with expose two service:

  • fluentbit-log running on port 5140 - fluentbit will listen on this port and expect calls from nuevector
  • fluentbit-log-web running on port 2020 - fluentbit will expose API on this port whcih can be used from oher pod running inside the cluster

Example configuration

namespace: neuvector
  repository: fluent/fluent-bit
  tag: 1.1.2
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    memory: "64Mi"
    cpu: "100m"
    memory: "256Mi"
    cpu: 1
replicaCount: 1
azure_log_workspace_id: <WORKSPACE_ID>
azure_log_workspace_shared_key: <WORKSPACE_SHARED_KEY>
enableSecret: false
enableAzurePlugin: true
enableStandardOutput: false
logLevel: info

If you want to deploy using helm rather then flux make sure to set enableSecret to true and provide values for azure_log_workspace_id and azure_log_workspace_shared_key

Azure DevOps Builds

Builds are run against the 'preview' AKS cluster.

Pull Request Validation

A build is triggered when pull requests are created. This build will run helm lint, deploy the chart using ci-values.yaml and run helm test.

Release Build

Triggered when the repository is tagged (e.g. when a release is created). Also performs linting and testing, and will publish the chart to ACR on success.