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Releases: hkelly93/d3-relationshipgraph


06 Jul 17:33
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Added a way to set the onclick function for a parent label.
Cleaned up some of the code.
Fixed an SVG width issue where if no data was supplied, the width and height were set to -15, which threw an exception.
Fixed a bug where if the tooltip width and height got too big, the arrow wasn't pointing at the child node.
Fixed a bug where the width of the SVG was being determined incorrectly.
Added a way to not show the value on the tooltip by setting the valueKeyName to an empty string.
Added a cursor pointer if there is an onClick function.
Rewrote the source in ES6 and d3 v4.1.0


12 Jun 15:50
Choose a tag to compare

1.5.0 (5/26/2016 - 6/12/2016)

  • Created a non-minified js file in dest using grunt-contrib-concat.
  • Added a test to check the colors of the blocks to make sure they're correct.
  • Made the comparison between the value and the threshold case insensitive, added type checking for the threshold comparisons, and made sure that the key appears in title case when the tooltip comes up.
  • Fixed a bug where clicking Random twice (or more) on example page causes the demo to keep cycling.
  • Moved the child nodes five pixels away from the parent labels to make the space larger.
  • Optimized the code by using local variables instead of accessing object properties multiple times and made static functions instead of recreating them in loops.
  • Fixed a bug where the number thresholds had to be exact instead of between two thresholds.
  • Fixed a bug where only the first word in the tooltip key was capitalized instead of the key being in title case.
  • Fixed the regex for numeric comparisons so that it would take negative numbers into account.
  • Added additional tests.
  • Fixed the way that the width of the parent labels was determined and added a cache.
  • Optimized parent labels by storing the keys instead of generating it each time.
  • Added a way to add a custom sort function.
  • Added a way to set a custom string for the value key instead of having it always say 'value' on the tooltip.`
  • Added support for private data by using the _private_ key in the JSON data.


28 May 12:56
Choose a tag to compare

1.4.2 (5/21/2016 - 5/26/2016)

  • Updated dev dependencies.
  • Reduced the complexity of the data method by splitting it up into separate private methods.
  • Moved the all private methods into one area.
  • Added the ability to not pass in thresholds and all the blocks be the same color.
  • Right aligned the parent labels.


21 May 16:48
Choose a tag to compare

1.4.1 (5/19/2016 - 5/21/2016)

  • Added additional tests and fixed the bugs that came with that.
  • Updated d3 to 3.5.17
  • Fixed a bug that made the sorting different each time.
  • Finished the test suite.


18 May 01:22
Choose a tag to compare
Another attempt at fixing bower