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Welcome to SeptiSearchTutorial, the GitHub repository holding the documentation for SeptiSearch, an interactive Shiny app providing access to manually-curated molecular sepsis data from current publications. Visit the main site at

The SeptiSearch tutorial docs were created using JustTheDocs; more information is available here.

SeptiSearch overview

The SeptiSearch app is designed to allow easy access to curated sepsis gene sets. Multiple tabs allow the exploration and use of the data in a number of ways:

  • Explore the Database makes it easy to search all curated gene sets by keyword or molecule, filter with select criteria, and view all the molecules in a gene set
  • Visualize the Database plots the most common molecules, and provides filters to see which occur most frequently based on a number of attributes
  • Perform Pathway Enrichment allows users to upload their own list of genes, or use one of the curated sepsis gene sets, to test for enriched pathways/terms using ReactomePA and EnirchR
  • Test for Enriched Sepsis Gene Sets can be used to test your own expression data (e.g. counts from RNA-Seq) for dysregulation of the curated sepsis gene sets


This project uses the MIT license, available here.


Repository holding the tutorial pages for SeptiSearch. Made with Jekyll/JustTheDocs!




