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Marius Ileana edited this page Apr 26, 2016 · 2 revisions

Using webpack

This page tries to help you getting started developing and building a semantic-react project using Webpack.

Currently, it is a work in progress. Besides minimal steps, a tutorial is planned to be included.
Most of the information is gathered from issues, tutorials and any other people experience.

Webpack is a great module bundler well suited for big projects. While this comes with some complexity, once you started it will give you benefits on the long run.

For now, these are the minimal first steps:

  1. Add the following line to package.json file:
    dependencies: {
        "semantic-react": "git+"
  1. Run npm install to have this new dependency installed.

  2. Use a semantic-react component by importing it using ES6 style:

import { Segment } from 'semantic-react';
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