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Chris James edited this page Aug 30, 2018 · 3 revisions

Main goals

Demonstrate two things for building a todo list app


A HTTP server which is as complicated as it needs to be (i.e which is not very). So no frameworks!


Also as complicated as it needs to be! Accessible, performant and semantic. So it works in all browsers (yes Lynx). Best in class, for everyone.

Secondary goals

We want this to be a simple demonstration as to how to make a good web application that is simple and works for everyone.


  • Demonstrate in various languages
  • But always serve up the same markup, same api (so we should probably have an automated test to cover all languages, in curl?)


  • Demonstrate in the page the techniques used to make it accessible, etc
  • Progressive enhancement

Other goals

Best in class in all ways

  • Automated tests
  • CI/CD
  • Deployment
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