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♨️ A practical tool box of Go, include to slices, dates and so on.


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Sylph is the fairy of the wind.

It is said that the breeze is the whisper of the fairy.

Anyone with a pure heart will eventually become Sylph.


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In specified package, provides some practical util, as below:

  • dates: includes some practical date util, such as GetTodayStart.
    • format: format a time value to string, such as GetYyyyMmDdHhMmSs,
    • parse: parse a string value to time, such as GetYyyyMmDdHhMmSs.
  • diffs: includes some diff util, as below:
    • jsondiff: diff json and return difference item.
    • textdiff: diff text and return difference item.
  • maps: includes some practical map util, such as Keys.
  • maths: includes some practical math util, such as RangeRandomLCRO.
  • pointers: convert base type to pointer, such as Int.
  • slices: check base type slice contains target element or not, such as ContainStringsIgnoreCase.
  • strings: check string element equals or not, can ignore case, such as EqualsIgnoreCase.
  • unpointers: convert pointer to base type, such as Int64OrDefault.
  • utils: includes some practical util, such as If.

In constant package, provides some practical constant definitions, as below:

  • date_const: includes some dates format constant, such as YyyyMmDdHhMmSs.
  • string_const: includes some string constant, such as EmptyString.


Firstly, download this pkg,

go get

Secondly, use it.


import (

// Get a specified time by add days, such as d is 2022-04-13 10:20:30 and days is 10,
// then aDate is 2022-04-23 10:20:30
aDate := dates.GetTimeAddDays(time.Now(), 10)

// Get a specified date format time string of common version, such as d is 2022-04-13 10:20:30,
// then aString is "2022-04-23 10:20:30"
aString := format.GetYyyyMmDdHhMmSs(time.Now())

// Get a specified date format time string of china version, such as d is 2022-04-13 10:20:30,
// then aString2 is "2022年04月23日 10:20:30", like GetCnOfYyyyMmDdHhMmSs method, 
// GetEnOfYyyyMmDdHhMmSs return "2022/04/23 10:20:30" and GetCptOfYyyyMmDdHhMmSs return "20220423102030".
aString2 := format.GetCnOfYyyyMmDdHhMmSs(time.Now())

// Get a specified date format time, such as dStr is "2022-04-13 10:20:30",
// then aTime is 2022-04-23 10:20:30
aTime, err := parse.GetYyyyMmDdHhMmSs("2022-04-13 10:20:30")


import (

// Build compare param, convert to []byte type, call Compare method,
// return two result, diffType can ignore, diffStr is compare result.
firstParam := map[string]interface{}{}
secondParam := map[string]interface{}{}
opts := DefaultJsonOptions()
diffType, diffStr := jsondiff.Compare([]byte(utils.Json(firstParam)), []byte(utils.Json(secondParam)), opts)

// Build compare param, init DiffMatchPatch object, call Diff-style method,
// return []Diff, but Diff.Type is number, can call GetDiffPrettyStyle method get pretty result.
text1 := "Hello World"
text2 := "Hello Girl"
dmp := textdiff.New()
diffs := dmp.DiffMain(text1, text2, false)


import (

// Get a slice from map, element of slice is key of map, such as map is {"a":1, "b":2},
// then aKeySlice is {"a", "b"}, we can use assert convert to actual type.
aKeySlice := maps.Keys(map[string]string{"a":1, "b":2})
aActualKeySlice := aKeySlice.([]string)

// Get a slice from map, element of slice is value of map, such as map is {"a":1, "b":2},
// then aValueSlice is {1, 2}, we can use assert convert to actual type.
aValueSlice := maps.Values(map[string]string{"a":1, "b":2})
aActualValueSlice := aValueSlice.([]int)


import (

// Get a random int value, LCRC means left close right close, left is 1, right is 10
// then min value of aRandIntOfLCRC is 1, max value of aRandIntOfLCRC is 10
aRandIntOfLCRC := maths.RangeRandomLCRC(1, 10)

// Get a random int value, LCRO means left close right open, left is 1, right is 10
// then min value of aRandIntOfLCRO is 1, max value of aRandIntOfLCRO is 9
aRandIntOfLCRO := maths.RangeRandomLCRO(1, 10)

// Get a random int value, LORO means left open right open, left is 1, right is 10
// then min value of aRandIntOfLORO is 2, max value of aRandIntOfLORO is 9
aRandIntOfLORO := maths.RangeRandomLORO(1, 10)


import (

// Get a pointer type of int, 
// supports int, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64 and string.
aIntPtr := pointers.Int(413)


import (

// Get a base type value from pointer, 
// supports int, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64 and string.
aInt := unpointers.Int(pointer.Int(413))

// Get a base type value or default value from pointer, if pointer is nil, then return default value,
// supports int, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64 and string.
aIntOrDefault := unpointers.IntOrDefault(pointer.Int(413), 0)


import (

// Get a distinct slice from param slice, such as param s is {"a","b", "c", "a"},
// then aDistinctSlice is {"a","b", "c"}.
aDistinctSlice := slices.DistinctStrings([]string{"a","b", "c", "a"})

// Get a bool value, if slice param contains specified element e return true, else return false,
// such as s is {"a","b", "c"}, e is "c", then aContainBool true.
// Like ContainStrings method, ContainStringsIgnoreCase method can ignore case.
aContainBool := slices.ContainStrings([]string{"a","b", "c"}, "c")

// Get a filter slice, applies a fn to each element of s, return a slices of make fn true,
// such as fn is func(v string) bool { return len(v) > 3} and s is {"abc", "zora"}, then aFilterSlice is {"zora"}
// Like ContainStrings method, AllStrings and AnyStrings method can provide similar functions,
// supports int, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64 and string.
aFilterSlice := slices.FilterStrings([]string{"abc", "zora"}, func(v string) bool { return len(v) > 3})

// Paging slice and returns the current page results and hasNext mark,
// such as arr is {"1", "2", "3","4", "5"}, pageNum is 2 and pageLimit is 2,
// then aPageSlice is {"3", "4"}, hasNext is true. We can use assert convert to actual type.
aPageSlice, hasNext := slices.Page([]string{"1", "2", "3","4", "5"}, 2, 2)
aActualPageSlice := aPageSlice.([]string)


import (

// Get a bool value, if s1 is equals to s2 return true, else return false,
// such as s1 is "abc", s2 is "ABC", then aBool is false.
aBool := strings.Equals("abc", "ABC")

// Get a bool value, if s1 is equals to s2 (ignore case) return true, else return false,
// such as s1 is "abc", s2 is "ABC", then aBool2 is true.
aBool2 := strings.EqualsIgnoreCase("abc", "ABC")


import (

// If function similar to ternary operators,if b is ture return t, else return f.
aValue := utils.If(b, t, f)

// Returns a json format string.
aJsonString := utils.Json(struct{Value string `json:"value"`}{Value: "sylph"})

// DeepCopy source and target must have the same structure, and target must be a pointer.
emptyStruct := struct{Value string `json:"value"`}{}
utils.DeepCopy(struct{Value string `json:"value"`}{Value: "sylph"}, &emptyStruct)

Finally, good luck guys!