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Acceptance Test Workshop

⚠️ For demonstration purposes, this code prioritizes simplicity over best practices and is not suitable for production.


Install prerequisites:

npm install -g allure-commandline

Install dependencies:

find . -maxdepth 2 -name 'package.json' ! -path './node_modules/*' -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 dirname | sort -u | xargs -I {} npm install --prefix {}

Start the app:

npm run start

Run tests using another cmd window (or a tmux pane if you're awesome):

cd __tests__
npm test

Run reports:

npm run report

Exercise 1

Outcome: Update the application to evaluate exponents:


Create a new feature to the parser to enable exponents.

  1. Create a branch for the feature
    git checkout -b exponent_feature
  2. Add the scenario to __test__/features/expression_evaluation.feature
    Scenario: Basic Exponents
      Given I have the expression "5^2"
      When I send the expression to the backend
      Then I should get the result 25
  3. Push branch for dev
    git push --set-upstream origin exponent_feature


  1. Pull branch
    git pull
    git checkout exponent_feature
  2. Start the test server
    npm start
  3. Examine test failure (requires a new cmd window)
    cd __tests__
    npm test
  4. Close the server by pressing <Ctrl>+C
  5. Modify server/src/expressionParser/tokenizer.ts
    export function tokenize(expression: string): Token[] {
    -  const regex = /([\+\-\*\/])|(\d+(\.\d+)?)/g;
    +  const regex = /([\+\-\*\^\/])|(\d+(\.\d+)?)/g;
      const tokens: Token[] = [];
      let match;
      while ((match = regex.exec(expression))) {
        if (match[1]) {
            type: "Operator",
            value: match[1],
        } else if (match[2]) {
            type: "Number",
            value: match[2],
      return tokens;
  6. Modify server/src/expressionParser/parser.ts
    function parse(tokens: Token[]): number {
      if (tokens.length === 1) {
        return parseFloat(tokens[0].value);
      const operatorIndex = tokens.findIndex((token) => token.type === "Operator");
      if (operatorIndex === -1) {
        throw new Error("Invalid expression.");
      const operator = tokens[operatorIndex];
      const leftTokens = tokens.slice(0, operatorIndex);
      const rightTokens = tokens.slice(operatorIndex + 1);
      const leftValue = parse(leftTokens);
      const rightValue = parse(rightTokens);
      switch (operator.value) {
        case "+":
          return leftValue + rightValue;
        case "-":
          return leftValue - rightValue;
        case "*":
          return leftValue * rightValue;
        case "/":
          if (rightValue === 0) throw new Error("Division by zero.");
          return leftValue / rightValue;
    +     case "^":
    +       return leftValue ** rightValue;
          throw new Error("Unknown operator: " + operator.value);
  7. Restart the server
    npm start
  8. Enjoy a nice dopamine hit (requires new cmd window)
    cd __test__
    npm test


Exercises for the codifying acceptance tests workshop







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