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Build Status codecov Release License


  • Simple and fast general purpose work queue.
  • Fully compatible with beanstalkd protocol
  • Fully Beanstalk compatible task queue implemented by golang purpose
  • ProtocolDescription


  • 2020-11-14 : all dispatch cmd complete but memory only.
  • 2020-11-15 : binlog persistence support

Quick Start

using go get install

GO111MODULE=on GOPROXY=,direct go get -u -v

using make you self

make run    # run program
make test   # run go test
make clean  # del program and log dir

view support commands

./gostalkd -h
Usage of ./gostalkd:
  -F    never fsync
  -L string
        set the log level, switch one in (panic, fatal, error, warn, waring, info, debug, trace) (default "warn")
  -V    increase verbosity
  -b string
        write-ahead log directory
  -f int
        fsync at most once every MS milliseconds (default is 50ms);use -f0 for "always fsync" (default 50)
  -l string
        listen on address (default is (default "")
  -p int
        listen on port (default is 11400) (default 11400)
  -s int
        set the size of each write-ahead log file (default is 10485760);will be rounded up to a multiple of 4096 bytes (default 10485760)
  -u string
        become user and group
  -v    show version information
  -z int
        set the maximum job size in bytes (default is 65535);max allowed is 1073741824 bytes (default 65535)

Third Party