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We can create shapes in canvas, but what if we want to create them slowly so that the user is able to see them being created??
This is the sole purpose of this library & I developed this during my intern at Educational Initiatives, Ahmedabad.

The following are the functions available in the library: 
(See index.html for example of the usage of the library)
These functions are called as canvas_element.function_name(compulsory parameters,{optional parameters})  (as in jQueryUI)

1. canvas_element.animateLine: used to draw a Line slowly. The available parameters are:

(x1,y1,x2,y2)-> (compulsory parameters) starting & end coordinates of the line.
lineWidth-> width of line (default:1)
lineColour-> colour of line (default:black)
divisions-> number of divisions in which the line will be drawn (default:100)
duration-> time in which the line will be drawn in seconds (default:1s)
start-> function to be called when the drawing is started
draw-> finction to be called while drawing the line
stop-> function to be called when the line has been drawn i.e. at the end

2. canvas_element.animateLines: used to draw figures, by giving the points. The available parameters are:

(pointsArr)-> (compulsory) Nx2 array of n point coordinates.
lineWidth-> width of line (default:1)
lineColour-> colour of line (default:black)
duration-> time in which each line will be drawn in seconds (default:1s)
start-> function to be called when the drawing is started
draw-> finction to be called while drawing the lines
stop-> function to be called when all the lines has been drawn i.e. at the end

3. canvas_element.animatePoints: used to join pair of points to animate different lines. The available parameters are:

(pointsArr)-> (compulsory) Nx2 array of n point coordinates.
lineWidth-> width of line (default:1)
lineColour-> colour of line (default:black)
duration-> time in which each line will be drawn in seconds (default:1s)
start-> function to be called when the drawing is started
draw-> finction to be called while drawing the lines
stop-> function to be called when all the lines has been drawn i.e. at the end

4. canvas_element.animateRect: used to draw a Rectangle slowly. The available parameters are:

(x1,y1,x2,y2)-> (compulsory parameters) starting & its oppposite vertex of the rectangle.
direction-> direction of drawing, specify true if anticlockwise (default:clockwise)
lineWidth-> width of line (default:1)
lineColour-> colour of line (default:black)
divisions-> number of divisions in which the line will be drawn
duration-> time in which the rectangle will be drawn in seconds
fill-> should the rectangle be filled with colour before or after drawing the outline, ignore if not to be filled (fillBefore & fillAfter are the available options)
fillColour-> colour to be filled with
start-> function to be called when the drawing is started
draw-> finction to be called while drawing the rectangle
stop-> function to be called when the rectangle has been drawn i.e. at the end

5. canvas_element.animateTriangle: used to draw a Triangle slowly. The available parameters are:

(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)-> (compulsory parameters) the vertices of the traingle in the order in which they would be drawn.
lineWidth-> width of line (default:1)
lineColour-> colour of line (default:black)
divisions-> number of divisions in which the line will be drawn
duration-> time in which the triangle will be drawn in seconds
fill-> should the triangle be filled with colour before or after drawing the outline, ignore if not to be filled (fillBefore & fillAfter are the available options)
fillColour-> colour to be filled with
start-> function to be called when the drawing is started
draw-> finction to be called while drawing the triangle
stop-> function to be called when the triangle has been drawn i.e. at the end

6. canvas_element.animateCircle: used to draw a Circle slowly. The available parameters are:

(x,y,r)-> (compulsory parameters) the coordinates of the centre & radius of the circle.
lineWidth-> width of line (default:1)
lineColour-> colour of line (default:black)
divisions-> number of divisions in which the line will be drawn
duration-> time in which the circle will be drawn in seconds
fill-> should the circle be filled with colour before or after drawing the outline, ignore if not to be filled (fillBefore & fillAfter are the available options)
fillColour-> colour to be filled with
start-> function to be called when the drawing is started
draw-> finction to be called while drawing the circle
stop-> function to be called when the cirle has been drawn i.e. at the end


to draw shapes in a canvas at a given speed






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