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Ops Debugging

Jonathan Garbee edited this page Oct 20, 2015 · 1 revision


Force re-test

If Drone fails, say it can't grab phantomjs or it seems stuck on a memory test, then follow these instructions to force another test. Before doing this, please verify it is Drone's fault and not a true test failure.

  1. Go into the same branch locally you are making the pull request from.
  2. Edit in the root folder. Add a space at the end and save.
  3. git add && git commit --amend and just save the commit message as it was before.
  4. Edit again, but this time removing the space then saving.
  5. git add && git commit --amend again. Same drill, leave the same message.
  6. git push origin --force to force push back to GH which will cause a test trigger again.