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Gollum via Rack and CAS SSO

Jeff Schoolcraft edited this page Aug 17, 2020 · 5 revisions

Set a CAS server

For the CAS server you can use Jasig CAS server or RubyCas-server.


For production I recommand jasig CAS server, but for test RubyCas-server is nice. you must use 'extra_attributes' to have the right user/email for the commits. it's not mandatory, but if you don't do this, every commit will be created by the gollum username/email.

Create a Working minimal TEST rubycas server

mkdir /tmp/Rubycas-server
cd /tmp/Rubycas-server
cat >Gemfile << __EOF
source ''
gem 'rubycas-server'
gem 'sqlite3'

bundle install --path=`pwd`/.bundle
cat > minimal.yml << __EOF
server: webrick
port: 1443
uri_path: /cas
  adapter: sqlite3
  database: /tmp/Rubycas-server/casserver.db
  class: CASServer::Authenticators::Test
theme: simple
organization: CAS
infoline: Powered by <a href="">RubyCAS-Server</a>
default_locale: en
  file: /tmp/Rubycas-server/cas.log
  level: INFO

bundle exec rubycas-server -c minimal.yml

Accepts any username as valid as long as the password is "testpassword"; otherwise authentication fails.

Now you can use as sso parameter

Set Gollum

You can also run gollum with any rack-compatible server CAS SSO inside. It's obvioulsy like Gollum via Rack, you have to setup the CAS client in this file inside your wiki repository.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'rack/cas'
# you may set this line after you change the default git adapter if needed
require 'gollum/app'

# I use external config file settings
gollum_config_file = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) + '/config_gollum.yml'
$my_settings = { |hash, key| hash[key] = '' }
if File.readable?(gollum_config_file) then
  $my_settings = YAML.load_file(gollum_config_file)

Precious::App.set(:gollum_path, $my_settings[:wiki_path])

use Rack::Session::Cookie,
        :key => 'rack.session', :path => '/',
        :secret => Digest::SHA2.file(gollum_config_file).hexdigest # lol
use Rack::CAS, server_url: $my_settings[:sso]

module Precious
  class App < Sinatra::Base
    ['/create/*','/edit/*'].each do |path|
      before path do
        unless session['cas'] && session['cas']['user']
          halt 401, 'Unauthorized'
        unless $my_settings[:writers] && 
          halt 403, 'Forbidden write acces for ' + session['cas']['user']

        session[''] = {:name => "#{eval $my_settings[:name]}",
                                    :email => "#{eval $my_settings[:email]}"}

run Precious::App

You must create a gollum_config_file too, like this one.

## Username (session['cas']['user']) with write access
## All users have read access
  - USER1
  - USER2

## path of the wiki git repo
:wiki_path: /tmp/gollum-wiki.git

## CAS single sign on server 
:sso: https://caserver/cas

## CAS attributs for git commit (name and email)
:name: session['cas']['extra_attributes']['displayName']  # Active Directory attribute
:email: session['cas']['extra_attributes']['mail']        # Active Directory attribute

## Wiki options for gollum
        :mathjax: true
        :live_preview: true
        :universal_toc: false
        :repo_is_bare: true

Now everyone have read only on the wiki, but USER1 and USER2 have read and write acces.

a config that work with the TEST Rubycas server previously started

In this CAS setup we haven't any extra_attributes, so we must forged it from information we know.

## Username (session['cas']['user']) with write access
## All users have read access
  - foo

## path of the wiki git repo
:wiki_path: /tmp/gollum-wiki.git

## CAS single sign on server 

## CAS attributs for git commit (name and email)
:name: session['cas']['user']
:email: session['cas']['user'] + ''

## Wiki options for gollum
        :mathjax: true
        :live_preview: true
        :universal_toc: false
        :repo_is_bare: true