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Using the Framework Bootstrap

Fulvio Notarstefano edited this page Feb 26, 2020 · 3 revisions

Note: the following implementation is deprecated since v5.0.0. Plugins should use a loader and namespaces instead.


To use, simply load this class and add a call like the following to the top of your main plugin file:

// Required library classss
if ( ! class_exists( 'SV_WC_Framework_Bootstrap' ) ) {
  require_once( 'lib/skyverge/woocommerce/class-sv-wc-framework-bootstrap.php' );
SV_WC_Framework_Bootstrap::instance()->register_plugin( '4.2.0', __( 'WooCommerce My Plugin', 'woocommerce-my-plugin' ), __FILE__, 'init_woocommerce_my_plugin', array( 'minimum_wc_version' => '2.3' ) );


function init_woocommerce_my_plugin() {
  declare and instantiate the plugin class...

The first argument is the framework version of the plugin, the next argument is the plugin name, the next argument is the plugin file, and the final argument is an initialization callback.

The initialization callback should declare the plugin main class file and instantiate.

Optional Parameters

The register_plugin() call also supports an optional associative array of arguments. Currently supported arguments are:

  • is_payment_gateway - Set to true if this is a payment gateway, to load the payment gateway framework files
  • backwards_compatible - Set to a version number to declare backwards compatibility support from that version number (and hence no support for earlier versions).
  • minimum_wc_version - Set to a version number to require a minimum WooCommerce version for the given plugin
  • minimum_wp_version - Set to a version number to require a minimum WordPress version for the given plugin

Backwards Compatibility

By architecting framework releases to be compatible with previous versions we buy ourselves a lot of flexibility in terms of releasing individual plugins with updated versions of the framework, so this should be the goal whenever reasonable.

If a breaking change is required (for instance changing the visibility of a method from protected to public), backwards compatibility support can be specified with the backwards_compatible optional parameter described in the previous section. Any framework plugin that does not meet or exceed this backwards compatible version will not be initialized, and an admin error notice requiring an update will be rendered.

If the current release of the framework changes the declared backwards compatibility then all framework plugins must be released with this version or better, so that customers can update and use the plugins.

Action Considerations

Because the frameworked plugins aren't actually instantiated until after the plugins_loaded action, that plus any actions that are fired before it are ineligible for frameworked plugins to hook onto (this includes woocommerce_loaded). Framework plugins that need to hook onto these actions may instead use the sv_wc_framework_plugins_loaded action which is fired after all framework plugins are loaded.