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Provides extreme flexibility with the help of Rule system to power-users* in downloading, tracking-status & reading novels from ANY site they want.


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NOTE : This program is for personal use only. Please do not use it to share/plagiarize content.

Fanfiction manager/downloader/reader

Provides extreme flexibility with the help of Rule system to power-users* in downloading, tracking-status & reading novels from ANY site they want.

Novice-users** may only download Novels from site whose Rule is included.

Feel free to request for more website inclusions via issues

Current Status: BETA

  • Add new Novel
  • Download Novel
  • Update Novel
  • Rules included for sites
      • need to add rules related to external linked sites
      • out of scope
    • and more... check Rules tab in-app to get the full list
  • Rules Editor
  • Novel Reading Mode
  • Novel Details Editor
  • App auto-updater



Keys Function
Ctrl + F Fullscreen

Reading Mode

Keys Function
Ctrl + G Go to Chapter
Ctrl + H Toggle Sidebar

Known Issues

  • [WIP] No images support within chapters.
  • [NYI] Rules export option.
  • [NYI] Download next Chapter using nextURL when ChapterCount is <= 0
    • Although, the case is possible, but currently, no known website requires this.
      • Further testing required.
    • Possibility of infinite loop, in-case nextURL always comes up non-empty.
  • [WIP] More testing required for downloading from other websites.


Rules may be outdated therefore update rules by clicking the Update Rules button on the top-right of Rules tab. Rules may be updated at random on the server, therefore do this regularly before adding/downloading/updating a novel.

For windows 64bit, download here

For others -

  • Download electron from this page
    • Example, for windows 64bit, you need to download
  • Extract the electron zip file to an empty directory
  • Delete default_app.asar file present in .../[electron-dir]/resources
  • Create new directory app in .../[electron-folder]/resources
  • Extract the contents of this zip file into .../[electron-dir]/resources/app directory
  • Now run electron executable
  • Done

Rule Generation

Script details -

  • PageTypeScript
    • checks if page is supported by current rule
    • if supported, return 0;
    • for captcha page
      • return -1 for Auto-Captcha
        • meaning page will auto-redirect, just need to wait for it
      • return -2 for Manual-Captcha
        • meaning there's a chance user needs to use the renderer to proceed from the page
        • otherwise similar to Auto-Captcha, if auto-redirects
    • returning anything else will mean
      • page not supported by rule
  • TOCScript
    • Table Of Contents
    • gets Novel info from page
    • return type -
        "CoverURL": "",              // may be empty
        "Title": "novel name here",
        "Summary": "",               // may be empty
        "ChapterCount": 1,           // chapter count here
        "ChapterURLs": [             // list of chapter-URLs
            "",                      // must contain atleast the first chapter URL
  • ChapterScript
    • gets the Chapter data from page
    • return type -
          "title": "",    // title of chapter
          "content": "",  // content
          "nextURL": ""   // when "ChapterCount" <= 0 & "nextURL" always comes non-empty
                          // will loop infinitely unless something else(javascript) breaks
    • maybe one or more chapters at once, therefore an Array


  • All scripts support custom-redirection if they return JSON in the following format -

      "retry": 1,
      "nextURL": "", // the URL to redirect to
  • Make sure no infinite loops are present in any scripts.

    • Use Ctrl+Shift+R to reload application, in-case UI gets stuck or high CPU usage
  • Use Tester tab to load TestURL and execute particular scripts on them

  • Want to wait(for some seconds) in script, use -

    • await sleep(ms);
      • where ms is in milliseconds
      • simple Promise based in-built async/await function
  • Want to inject jQuery in script, use -

    • injectJquery();
  • Want to decode html-codes like &amp;, &larr;, ... to their actual character in script, use -

    • htmlDecode(input);
      • where input is a string
    • similarly htmlEncode(input) is also there
  • Make sure Title/title for Novel/Chapter is actually the innerText, not innerHTML

  • In Chapter's content field, HTML is to be used.

    • Make sure all anchor tags in HTML are marked with target="_blank"
      • This will open the link in external browser whenever clicked upon

* persons with javascript & DOM knowledge

** persons with no programming knowledge whatsoever

[WIP] Work in progress

[NYI] Not yet implemented