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Keeps TFLint Config file up-to-date

TFLint Configuration

  • TFLint
  • .tflint-all.hcl
    • uses version and source for plugins.
    • uses preset=all for Terraform.
  • .tflint.hcl
    • remove version and source for plugins, and uses latest versions.
    • uses preset=recommended for Terraform.


  • AWS Plugin - TFLint ruleset for terraform-provider-aws
  • Terraform Plugin - TFLint ruleset for Terraform Language
  • OPA Plugin - Experimental: TFLint ruleset plugin for writing custom rules in Rego.

Plugins Configuration

Terraform plugin

The Terraform rules can be found on GitHub. Most of the rules are part of the recommended preset through the Terraform plugin. Optionally, you can enable the following rules when required:


Contribution is welcome. Please use conventional commit messages for your commits and pull request titles. Through GitHub Actions the CHANGELOG gets updated, tag created and release published with the TFLint configuration files as assets.