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🍏 Apple
🍏 Apple
👶 good first issue
:baby: good first issue
Good for newcomers
🧱 blocked
🧱 blocked
📖 documentation
:book: documentation
🐛 bug
:bug: bug
Something isn't working
💡 proposal
:bulb: proposal
🍩 improvement
:doughnut: improvement
❔ question
:grey_question: question
🔧 infrastructure
🔧 infrastructure
❌ invalid
❌ invalid
This doesn't seem right
👀 investigating
👀 investigating
🔗 dependencies
:link: dependencies
Pull requests that update a dependency file
🔒 security
:lock: security
Pull requests that address a security vulnerability
👾 duplicate
:space_invader: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
✨ new feature
:sparkles: new feature
🆘 support
🆘 support
🙃 upstream
:upside_down_face: upstream
👋 help wanted
:wave: help wanted
🚧 wip
🚧 wip
💔 wontfix
💔 wontfix
This will not be worked on