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Hyvä Esparksinc IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility Module

Magento 2 module template for extending upon the Hyvä React Checkout module

This is a Magento 2 module template that enables you to customize Hyvä React Checkout seamlessly. It adds a custom Webpack configuration, so that you can extend upon the React sources of the original React Checkout module. In effect, this allows for kind of a parent/child theming mechanism, not for the entire Hyvä theme, but only for the specific React sources in your custom checkout.


  • Install Hyvä Checkout via composer. You can find more details in the official documentation

  • Setup this Magento 2 module template in your project. We are naming the module Esparksinc_IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility.

    • Clone it into app/code/Esparksinc/IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility
    • Enable your module with bin/magento module:enable Esparksinc_IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility
    • Run setup upgrade with bin/magento setup:upgrade
  • Setup ReactApp (See: How to customize Hyvä Checkout)

    • Specify payment methods repositories (if any) in app/code/Esparksinc/IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility/reactapp/package.json.
    • Navigate into app/code/Esparksinc/IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility/reactapp.
    • Run npm install (do not use yarn)
  • Start ReactApp

    • Update proxy setting in app/code/Esparksinc/IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility/reactapp/package.json with the base url of your magento instance.
    • Copy the env.example file into .env and modify its contents
    • Run npm run start

Please remember this is a template. So you can name this module as you wish. There is no need to go on with the given name Esparksinc_IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility. If you have a different name for this template then, you need to update the module name at least in below files.

  • registration.php

  • composer.json

  • etc/module.xml

  • Change template as per your module name at view/frontend/layout/hyvareactcheckout_reactcheckout_index.xml

    <referenceBlock name="checkout.scripts" template="Esparksinc_IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility::react-script.phtml" />
  • Change js file reference at view/frontend/templates/react-script.phtml

    newScript.src = '<?= $escaper->escapeUrl($block->getViewFileUrl('Esparksinc_IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility::js/react-checkout.js')); ?>';

Copying React components

As an example you could copy the original LoginForm.jsx component and make some modifications to hit, like adding a simple Hello World. Copy the original path vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-react-checkout/src/reactapp/src/components/login/components/LoginForm.jsx into app/code/Esparksinc/IvyPaymentHyvaCompatibility/reactapp/src/components/login/components/LoginForm.jsx.

Open up the React source and locate the lines including import:

import Button from '../../common/Button';
import TextInput from '../../common/Form/TextInput';
import useLoginFormContext from '../hooks/useLoginFormContext';
import {__} from '../../../i18n';

Change these relative imports into the references to @hyva/react-checkout:

import Button from '@hyva/react-checkout/components/common/Button';
import TextInput from '@hyva/react-checkout/components/common/Form/TextInput';
import useLoginFormContext from '@hyva/react-checkout/components/login/hooks/useLoginFormContext';
import {__} from '@hyva/react-checkout/i18n';

Note that the NPM package @hyva/react-checkout actually does not (yet) exist. It is a Webpack alias pointing to the path vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-react-checkout/src/reactapp/src.

Payment Integrations

With the React Checkout, you may need to use existing payment repositories. They will work out of box with the React Checkout repository. But you may face issues when you use them inside the template. This is because it is failing to load the relative imports. You need to use @hyva/react-checkout for all those non-resolving imports.

There will be solution for this problem in those repositories. So always pay attention in the payment repositories documentation.