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Reach Distribution Contract

Reach Distribution is a smart contract developed on the Ethereum blockchain using Solidity programming language version 0.8.19 or later. This contract is intended to manage distributions and missions in a systematic and secure manner.


  1. Ownership and Admin Control:

    • The contract utilizes OpenZeppelin's Ownable and ReentrancyGuard libraries to manage ownership and reentrancy attacks, respectively.
    • It also includes an admin system to allow for multiple administrators with different levels of control over the contract.
  2. ERC-20 Token and Ether Distribution:

    • The contract supports distributions in both ERC-20 tokens and Ether.
    • It has a mechanism to toggle between token and Ether distributions.
  3. Claiming System:

    • Users can claim rewards based on the amount allocated to them.
    • Each distribution can be uniquely identified using a version number.
    • The MerkleProof library is used to verify claims against a Merkle root, ensuring the authenticity of claims.
  4. Missions:

    • The contract has a system to create missions, with each mission having a unique ID and a specified amount of funds allocated to it.
  5. Events:

    • Events are emitted for significant actions within the contract, such as claims, creation of distributions, and missions, allowing for easier monitoring and auditing.
  6. Fallback Function:

    • The contract includes a fallback function to receive Ether.

Getting Started

  1. Prerequisites:

    • Ensure you have a development environment set up for Ethereum smart contracts (e.g., Truffle or Hardhat).
    • Install the necessary OpenZeppelin contracts and libraries as imported at the beginning of the contract.
  2. Deployment:

    • Deploy the ReachDistribution contract to the Ethereum network using a migration script or through a development environment like Truffle.
  3. Admin Management:

    • Use addAdmin and removeAdmin functions to manage admin addresses.
    • Toggle claiming functionality using the toggleClaiming function.
  4. Creating Distributions:

    • Create a new distribution using the createDistribution function, specifying a new Merkle root and the total amount for the distribution.
    • Set the address of the ERC-20 token for distributions using setTokenAddress if necessary.
  5. Claiming Rewards:

    • Users can claim their rewards using the claimRewards function by providing the amount and Merkle proof.
  6. Creating Missions:

    • Create a new mission using the createMission function, specifying a mission ID and the amount allocated to the mission.
  7. Withdrawal:

    • The owner can withdraw remaining funds from the contract using the withdraw function.


  • The contract uses ReentrancyGuard to prevent reentrancy attacks.
  • Only the owner and admins have the authority to perform critical actions within the contract.
  • The contract code should be audited by a professional smart contract auditor before mainnet deployment to ensure it's free from bugs and vulnerabilities.


  • Claimed: Emitted when a user claims rewards.
  • DistributionCreated: Emitted when a new distribution is created.
  • Received: Emitted when the contract receives Ether.
  • MissionCreated: Emitted when a new mission is created.

Interfaces and Libraries

  • The contract imports several libraries and contracts from OpenZeppelin for safe math operations, ownership management, reentrancy guard, and ERC-20 token standards.


The contract has various functions to manage distributions, claims, missions, admins, and the owner's control over the contract.

Future Improvements

  • Any future improvements or updates to the contract can be managed by the owner or admins as necessary.
  • Additional functionalities or optimizations may be added to enhance the contract's efficiency and usability.