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Geek Learning Swashbuckle Extensions

This project provides extensions and tools for Swashbuckle in an ASP.NET Core application.


Operation Filters

  • AssignExamples: add examples in your generated Swagger file
  • AssignSecurityRequirements: add security requirements based on your ASP.NET security attributes
  • DropTextPlainConsumes: delete the text/plain content type from the consumes operation list
  • DropTextPlainProduces: delete the text/plain content type from the produces operation list
  • FormFileOperationFilter: detect IFormFile parameters to properly set the Swagger parameter type
  • SwaggerFormOperationFilter: read SwaggerFormParameter attributes allowing you to specify additional elements not necesseraly present in the ApiDescription.

Document Filters

  • SchemesDocumentFilter: apply selected schemes to the Swagger document



dotnet-swashbuckle - Generate a Swagger JSON file for an offline ASP.NET Core project.


dotnet swashbuckle [-p|--project] [-so|--swagger-output] [-f|--framework] [-c|--configuration] [-sv|--swagger-api-version] [-h|--help] [--version]


The dotnet swashbuckle command allows you to extract a Swagger file from an ASP.NET Core application without having to run it.

It can be useful if you want to build and deploy client librairies during your CI builds.


-p|--project <project>

The project to target (defaults to the project in the current directory). Can be a path to a csproj file or a project directory. The targeted project must be an ASP.NET Core application, with a Startup class and with the Swashbuckle.AspNetCore services registered.

-f|--framework <framework>

Compiles for a specific framework. The framework must be defined in the project file.

-c|--configuration <configuration>

Defines the build configuration. If omitted, the build configuration defaults to Debug. Use Release build a Release configuration.

-so|--swagger-output <swagger_output_file>

File in which to write Swagger schema.

-sv|--swagger-api-version <api_version>

The API version you want to generate Swagger definition for.


Show version information.


Show help information.


Write a swagger.json file in the current directory, which is an ASP.NET Core application:

dotnet swashbuckle

Write a my-swagger.json file in the current directory, which is an ASP.NET Core application, that contains the v1 API definition:

dotnet swashbuckle -sv v1 -so my-swagger.json

Write a result.json file in the src/MyWebApp directory, which is an ASP.NET Core application, compiled for the net462 framework in Release configuration, that contains the v1 API definition:

dotnet swashbuckle -p src/MyWebApp -f net462 -c Release -so result.json -sv v1