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Releases: gbrock/laravel-table

Fix for determining sortability

16 Oct 19:16
Choose a tag to compare

More simple querying

14 Oct 21:38
Choose a tag to compare

In continuing pursuit of fixing #3.

Fixed a nasty typo

12 Oct 16:25
Choose a tag to compare

...which halted all script execution. This is a great example of why I'm re-writing everything with test coverage.

Small fix for paginated model collections

12 Oct 06:37
Choose a tag to compare

Small fix for paginated model collections

Query instantiation and Tweaks

12 Oct 06:26
Choose a tag to compare

This is primarily a release to satisfy #3, but includes some other tweaks, including:

  • Fluent method chaining for column creation, i.e. $table->addColumn($name, $label, $options)->addClass('css-class')->setDirection('desc');
  • Can use a callback function for sorting
  • and more

0.2.4: Fixed auto-generation passing an incorrect type, causing failure

14 May 04:56
Choose a tag to compare

Auto-generation of table columns should now work...


20 Apr 20:55
Choose a tag to compare
Pass in false to Table creator to not generate any columns

Fixed: Custom Views

16 Apr 19:16
Choose a tag to compare

Small fix pushed to code allowing users to override the default view.

Closure Rendering

30 Mar 06:16
Choose a tag to compare

Primarily added the ability to add single columns dynamically, as well as the ability to use a closure when rendering model cell data.

Sort, Paginate, Customize

29 Mar 04:35
Choose a tag to compare

This release marks the first usable version of laravel-table. Check the readme for all the info.


  • Default view: renders a Bootstrap 3-ready HTML table using the rows and columns indicated.
  • Default view: Pagination shown when applicable
  • Configuration items for setting query string key and default sorting direction
  • Documentation / primary examples written