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This is a Full Stack application = front end, back end, db


Inception - Vision Statement and User stories

2022.09.27, 50 pts = 12.5 %

  1. Create a vision statement for your team project, link.

  2. Create >= 5 user stories/person, link.

  3. Make a Kanban. Add 5 buckets (Backlog, Refining, Implementing, Testing, Complete)

  4. In Backlog, create a Vision Statement task. Put the completed vision statement in the comments, notes, or as attached doc.

  5. In Backlog, create a task for each user story. Estimate story points. Color code tasks by importance.

Elaboration Part 1 - Framework and Services

2022.09.11, 50 pts = 12.5 %

In Backlog, create a task, and move it as you progress.

Decide on a framework.

Considering our user stories, list out all the services that will be needed. E.g.:

Clerk Persistent storage
Artist Display of data to users (View from MVC)
Controller Controler from MVC architectural pattern.
Bouncer Security
Calculator Performs complex calculations

Not all these, or even any, are needed. We'll probably have more. Expect the list to change.

We'll use the framework in the narrations created for our user story refinement, and can be updated as the project continues.

Elaboration Part 2 - Refine user stories, sequence diagram

2022.10.25, 100 pts = 25%

  1. Given Elaboration Part 1 classes, create a play/narration/sequence diagram for each user story.

  2. When starting a user story, move it to Refining. Max one story/person in Refining.

  3. When play/narration is complete, move user story to Implementing. Attach to the story the narration.

Attach into our Kanban board the submission.

Implementation - UML and code it

2022.12.06, 100 pts = 25%

For each refined story in Implementing:

  1. Draw a rough uml diagram per narration.

  2. Code the UML

  3. Push to Github.

In Kanban, attach to each user story the UML diagram.

Once code is complete, move user story to Testing.

Test - write, perform, screenshot tests

2022.12.07, 100 pts = 25%

Write the steps and tools required to test the requirement.

Perform the steps.

Screenshot the properly working code and unit test execution results.

Attach to each complete user story these screenshots.

Attach to each complete user story the j-unit test execution results.

Move user story to Done.