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Vito Chen edited this page May 11, 2017 · 7 revisions

React Native Ultimate Listview

A high performance FlatList providing customised pull-to-refresh | auto-pagination & infinite-scrolling | gridview layout | swipeable-row. The truly ultimate version that I have done the most tricky part for you, just simply follow the instructions shown below to put it in your app.

This is an enhanced FlatList with all excellent extra features, which are not provided by official version.

This module supports both of iOS and Android platforms.

All codes are written in ES6 syntax.


  • If you are using react-native <= 0.42, or you do not want to use FlatList in your app, just simply set this props: legacyImplementation={true} . Everything will stay the same as before, you do not need to modify any codes at all.

  • The FlatList has some kown issues, like blank screen if scrolling is too fast.

  • However, if you have a long list to display and suffer from memory leaking, I highly recommend you to use FlatList inseated of the poor perforamce ListView

  • SectionHeader is only supported on ListView with basic RefreshControl​


  1. First of all, install this module from NPM

    $ npm install react-native-ultimate-listview --save


    $ yarn add react-native-ultimate-listview
  2. Then, import it into your project.

    import UltimateListView from "react-native-ultimate-listview";


If you are using npm shrinkwrap to lock your current dependencies, please make sure you type --save to overwrite your npm-shrinkwrap.json file. However, I highly recommend you to use yarn to manage your dependency.

$ npm update react-native-ultimate-listview --save


$ yarn upgrade react-native-ultimate-listview


