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Setting up the environment

To set up the environment, first prepare your EC2 SSH Key Pair name, navigate to the root of the repository and run:

    make dev-env SSH_KEY="yourkeyname"

The Makefile target sets up the environment by executing the scripts/ script with the SSH_KEY argument. Under the hood, it performs the following steps:

  1. Creates a kind cluster.
  2. Deploys cert-manager, rancher, CAPI Operator with Rancher Turtles.
  3. Deploys RKE2 provider (examples/rke2-provider.yaml).
  4. Deploys AWS provider (examples/aws-provider.yaml).
  5. Deploys RKE2 Cluster in AWS (examples/rke2-aws-cluster.yaml).

To have a fully working setup, it is a pre-requisite for system agent installation to configure a rancher server URL. To configure it, we need to access the Rancher UI by opening 2 separate new terminals:

  1. In the first terminal run:
    kubectl port-forward --namespace cattle-system svc/rancher 10000:443
  1. In the second terminal:
    ngrok http https://localhost:10000

Follow the auto-generated link from second terminal to access the UI.

Performing the backup and restore

When all machine in the cluster are ready, ETCDMachineBackup object should appear on the management cluster soon.

    kubectl get etcdmachinebackup -A

To perform a restore run the following command:

    kubectl apply -f examples/etcd-restore.yaml


To clean up the environment, run the following command from the root of the repo:

    make clean-dev-env