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Well-typed wrapper over the official neo4j java driver.


Type-safe query parameters

We provide wrappers over the cypher type-system, and enforce these types throughout the library. In the official driver the user can attempt to build user parameters that will fail at runtime (e.g.: Values.value(new Object()) which has no sensible corresponding value in Cypher). We provide a class hierarchy for every value that crosses the Java <-> Cypher border as well as utility methods to create values for these classes with minimal (but not zero) boilerplate.

Query builder with inline parameters

Writing queries involves a large amount of stringly-typed programming which can make maintaining a schema difficult. If we decide that the Profile label should instead be User, we'll need to find and replace every occurrence. Even worse are property names, which can be shared between different entities and may be hard to distinguish. We provide a query builder that accepts schema-related elements (node labels, relationship types, etc.) as values. We now have all the tools that we'd have for any other value. We can quite easily see every time a given label is referenced by using an IDE, for example. Besides the schema, the library allows parameter definition to be done inline, and does the work of naming parameters and creating a parameterized statement.

Statement result decoders

Handling the result of a query can also become cumbersome because it involves type checks and casts to prove that the data has the right shape. ResultDecoders are functions that verify the shape of a result coming from the driver and transform it into a useful value. Since ResultDecoders are Java values, they can be composed with other ResultDecoders, through the use of many combinators.

Composable defered operations

A popular idea in functional programming is to separate the description of a computation from its execution. This means that we can execute the same computation in different contexts, and it's possible to compose multiple computations (because they have not happened yet). In our case we distinguish graph operations from their execution by describing operations in a GraphDB type. A GraphDB<T> is a value, that once interpreted returns a T, or fails. Interpreting simply means supplying a GraphDB<T> with a StatementRunner, therefore an interpreter is just a function that can get a session or transaction from the driver. The library provides interpreters for read-only and write operations, in a session or a transaction.