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Effulgent Media API

This API provides a way to easily create graphics programs in Go. Providing a framework to create games, ui, animation, or any type of graphical application.

NOTE: This repository is under heavy ongoing development and is likely to break over time. We currently do not have any releases yet. If you are planning to use the repository, please consider vendoring the packages in your project and update them when a stable tag is out.

SDL setup

Eff uses the openGL renderer in SDL, any system it runs on will require opengl support

  • OSX: brew install sdl2{,_mixer,_image,_ttf}
  • Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S sdl2{,_mixer,_image,_ttf}
  • Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install libsdl2{,-mixer,-image,-ttf}-dev
  • Windows:
    1. Download mysys264
    2. Install the git the x86_64 toolchain and SDL2 using pacman pacman -S git mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_mixer mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_image mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_ttf mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_net mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake make You might need to restart the mysys64 shell once installed
    3. Download golang from the website as a zip not an installer
    4. Install in inside the mysys64 root, typically C:\msys64\go
    5. Inside the mysys64 enviroment update your .bashrc to have a $GOROOT (in the above example is C:\mysys64\go and $GOPATH
    6. Ensure that the $PATH is appended with $GOROOT\bin and $GOPATH\bin
    7. Either go get or clone the repo from git in your $GOPATH/src
    8. From the root of the eff source code type make this will build all the examples

API Usage Example

const (
	windowW    = 800
	windowH    = 540
	squareSize = 100

type myShape struct {

func main() {
	canvas := sdl.NewCanvas("Boilerplate", windowW, windowH, eff.Color{R: 0xFF, B: 0xFF, G: 0xFF, A: 0xFF}, 60, true)
	canvas.Run(func() {
		m := &myShape{}
			X: (windowW - squareSize) / 2,
			Y: (windowH - squareSize) / 2,
			W: squareSize,
			H: squareSize,
		minSpeed := 3
		maxSpeed := 10
		vec := eff.Point{X: rand.Intn(maxSpeed-minSpeed) + minSpeed, Y: rand.Intn(maxSpeed-minSpeed) + minSpeed}
		m.SetUpdateHandler(func() {
			x := m.Rect().X + vec.X
			y := m.Rect().Y + vec.Y
			if x <= 0 || x >= (canvas.Rect().W-m.Rect().W) {
				vec.X *= -1

			if y <= 0 || y >= (canvas.Rect().H-m.Rect().H) {
				vec.Y *= -1

				X: x,
				Y: y,
				W: m.Rect().W,
				H: m.Rect().H,

Keyboard control

  • Press f to toggle fullscreen
  • Press q to quit the program
