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JSMESS v1.0 Systems

Jason Scott edited this page Aug 27, 2013 · 4 revisions

This is a list of the systems from the selection of JSMESS that are being compiled/activated for a JSMESS v1.0 The final list may be smaller (or bigger, but that's less likely). It includes both "core" systems, and systems that are clones or modifications of the original systems. They are presented in order by driver name.

"Done" in this case means that a working system has been proven in JSMESS. Further refinement is likely needed.

Driver Name Parent Full Name Resolution Program Medium Done
a2600 Atari 2600 (NTSC) 176x223 cart
a400 Atari 400 (NTSC) 336x225 flop1
a5200 Atari 5200 336x225 cart
a7800 Atari 7800 (NTSC) 320x225 cart
a800 Atari 800 (NTSC) 336x225 flop1
abc80 ABC 80 349x297 cass
abc800c ABC 800 C/HR 480x480 cass
abc802 ABC 802 768x312 cass
ace100 ace100 Franklin Ace 100 560x192 flop1
acrnsys1 Acorn System 1 x cass
adam Adam 280x216 cass1
aes Neo-Geo AES 320x224 cart
apogee apogee Apogee BK-01 468x300 cass
apple2 Apple ][ 560x192 flop1
apple2c Apple //c 560x192 cass
apple2e Apple //e 560x192 flop1
apple2gs Apple IIgs (ROM03) 704x231 flop1
aquarius Aquarius (NTSC) 320x200 cass
astrocde Bally Professional Arcade 352x240 cart
astrocdl astrocdl Bally Home Library Computer 352x240 cart
astrocdw astrocdw Bally Computer System 352x240 cart
atom Atom 320x240 flop1
b128 b128 B128 768x312 flop1
b128hp B128-80HP 768x312 flop1
b500 B500 768x312 flop1
bbca BBC Micro Model A 100x100 cass
bbcb bbcb BBC Micro Model B 100x100 cass
bbcbc Bridge Companion 280x216 cart
bbcbp bbcbp BBC Micro Model B+ 64K 100x100 cass
bbcm bbcm BBC Master 800x300 prin
bk0010 BK-0010 512x256 cass
bk8t bk8t BK-8T 512x256 cass
bw12 Bondwell 12 640x200 flop1
bw2 Bondwell Model 2 640x200 prin
c128 Commodore 128 (NTSC) 418x235 cass
c16 c16 Commodore 16 (NTSC) 336x216 cass
c64 Commodore 64 (NTSC) 418x235 cass
canonv10 canonv10 V-10 280x216 prin
canonv20 canonv20 V-20 280x216 prin
cat cat Cat 672x344
ccmk1 Chess Champion MK I x
ccmk2 Chess Champion MK II x
cgenie Colour Genie EG2000 384x256 cass
channelf Channel F 102x58 cart
channlf2 Channel F II 102x58 cart
cip01 cip01 CIP-01 352x296 dump
cip03 cip03 CIP-03 352x296 dump
cm1800 CM-1800 x
coco Color Computer 320x240 cass
coco2 coco2 Color Computer 2 320x240 cass
coco3 coco3 Color Computer 3 (NTSC) x cass
coleco ColecoVision 280x216 cart
compani1 compani1 Kompanion 1 352x296 dump
cpc464 Amstrad CPC464 704x144 prin
cpc6128 cpc6128 Amstrad CPC6128 704x144 prin
cpc664 cpc664 Amstrad CPC664 704x144 prin
crvision CreatiVision 280x216 cass
crvisio2 crvisio2 CreatiVision MK-II (Europe) 280x216 cass
czz50 Chuang Zao Zhe 50 280x216 cart
d6800 Dream 6800 64x32 cass
dai DAI Personal Computer 1056x302 cass
dina dina Dina 280x216 cart
dn3000 dn3000 Apollo DN3000 1024x800 flop
dn3500 Apollo DN3500 1024x800 flop
dpc100 dpc100 IQ-1000 DPC-100 (Korea) 280x216 prin
dpc180 dpc180 IQ-1000 DPC-180 (Korea) 280x216 prin
dpc200 dpc200 IQ-1000 DPC-200 (Korea) 280x216 prin
dragon200 dragon200 Dragon 200 320x240 cass
dragon32 dragon32 Dragon 32 320x240 cass
dragon64 dragon64 Dragon 64 320x240 cass
dsp3000 dsp3000 Apollo DSP3000 x flop
dsp3500 dsp3500 Apollo DSP3500 x flop
dx64 dx64 DX-64 (NTSC) 418x235 cass
einstein Einstein TC-01 280x216 prin
einstei2 einstei2 Einstein TC-01 + 80 column device 280x216 prin
exp85 Explorer/85 x cass
expert10 expert10 Expert 1.0 (Brazil) 280x216 prin
expert11 expert11 Expert 1.1 (Brazil) 280x216 prin
expert13 expert13 Expert 1.3 (Brazil) 280x216 prin
expertdp expertdp Expert DDPlus (Brazil) 280x216 prin
fellow fellow Fellow (Finland) 320x240 prin
fm7 FM-7 640x200 cass
fm8 FM-8 640x200 cass
fmnew7 fmnew7 FM-NEW7 640x200 cass
fs1300 fs1300 FS-1300 (Japan) 280x216 prin
fs4000 fs4000 FS-4000 (Japan) 280x216 prin
funvision x
galaxy Galaksija 384x208 dump
galeb Galeb 384x128
gameboy Game Boy 160x144 cart
gamegear Game Gear (Europe/America) 160x144 cart
gamepock Game Pocket Computer 75x64 cart
genesis Genesis (USA, NTSC) x cart
geneve Geneve 9640 544x480 flop1
gsfc200 gsfc200 FC-200 280x216 prin
gx4000 Amstrad GX4000 704x144 cart
hb10p hb10p HB-10P 280x216 prin
hb501p hb501p HB-501P 280x216 prin
hobby hobby PK8000 Sura/Hobby 288x224 cass
hp48gx HP48GX 131x64 p1
hp48sx HP48SX 131x64 p1
ie15 15IE-00-013 800x275 bitb
intv Intellivision 189x240 cart
intv2 intv2 Intellivision II 189x240 cart
intvsrs intvsrs Super Video Arcade 189x240 cart
inves inves Inves Spectrum 48K+ 352x296 dump
iq151 IQ-151 256x256 cass
itttelma itttelma ITT Tele-Match Processor 102x58 cart
ivelultr ivelultr Ivel Ultra 560x192 flop1
jet jet JET 352x296 dump
jr100 JR-100 256x192 cass
juicebox Juice Box 240x160 memc
jupace Jupiter Ace 336x304 cass
kaypro4 kaypro4 Kaypro 4 - 4/83 560x240 quik
kayproii Kaypro II - 2/83 560x240 quik
kc85 Kyotronic 85 (Japan) 240x64 prin
kontur kontur PK8020 Kontur 512x256 cass
korvet PK8020 Korvet 512x256 cass
kr03 kr03 KR-03 468x300 cass
kristall2 kristall2 Kristall-2 512x256 cass
lambda lambda Lambda 8300 256x304 cass
laser110 Laser 110 320x240 prin
laser200 Laser 200 320x240 prin
laser210 Laser 210 320x240 prin
laser310 Laser 310 320x240 prin
laser350 Laser 350 704x224 cass
laser500 laser500 Laser 500 704x224 cass
laser700 laser700 Laser 700 704x224 cass
lnw80 lnw80 LNW-80 480x192 cass
lond020 lond020 Mephisto London 68020 32 Bit 100x20
lond030 lond030 Mephisto Genius030 London Upgrade V5.00 100x20
luxorvec luxorvec Luxor Video Entertainment Computer 102x58 cart
luxorves luxorves Luxor Video Entertainment System 102x58 cart
lviv Lviv 256x256 dump
lyon16 lyon16 Mephisto Lyon 68000 100x20
lyon32 lyon32 Mephisto Lyon 68020 100x20
lzcolor64 lzcolor64 LZ Color64 320x240 cass
lynx Lynx 160x102 quik
m10 m10 M-10 240x64 prin
m5 m.5 (Japan) 280x216 prin
m86rk m86rk Mikrosha-86RK 468x300 cass
mac2fdhd Macintosh II (FDHD) x hard1
macclasc Macintosh Classic 512x342 flop1
macii Macintosh II x hard1
maciici Macintosh IIci 640x480 hard1
maciisi Macintosh IIsi 640x480 hard1
macplus Macintosh Plus 512x342 flop1
macse Macintosh SE 512x342 flop1
macsefd Macintosh SE (FDHD) 512x342 flop1
manager Manager (Finland) 280x216 cass
mato mato Mato 288x256 cass
mbc55x MBC-55x 300x200 flop1
mbee Microbee 16 Standard 512x304 quik1
mbeepc mbeepc Microbee Personal Communicator 640x304 quik1
mbic x
mc10 MC-10 320x240 cass
megadriv megadriv Mega Drive (Europe, PAL) x cart
megaduck MegaDuck/Cougar Boy 160x144 cart
meritum meritum Meritum I (Model 2) 384x192 cass
meritum_net meritum_net Meritum I (Model 2) (network) 384x192 cass
microtan Microtan 65 256x256 dump
mikro80 Mikro-80 512x256 cass
mikron2 mikron2 Mikron-2 468x300 cass
mikrosha mikrosha Mikrosha 468x300 cass
mistrum mistrum Mistrum 352x296 dump
mk82 mk82 MK-82 560x240 flop1
mlf80 mlf80 ML-F80 280x216 prin
mlfx1 mlfx1 ML-FX1 280x216 prin
mm1m6 MikroMikko 1 M6 800x400 flop1
mm1m7 mm1m7 MikroMikko 1 M7 800x400 flop1
mo5 MO5 864x294 prin
mo5e mo5e MO5E 864x294 prin
mo5nr MO5 NR 864x294 cass
mo6 MO6 864x294 cass
mod8 MOD-8 x
mpc100 mpc100 MPC-100 280x216 prin
mpc64 mpc64 MPC-64 280x216 prin
mprof3 mprof3 Microprofessor III 560x192 flop1
msx MSX 280x216 prin
msx2 MSX2 544x480 prin
msx2p MSX2+ 544x480 prin
mtx500 mtx500 MTX 500 280x216 prin
mtx512 MTX 512 280x216 prin
mx1600 mx1600 MX-1600 320x240 cass
mx64 mx64 MX64 280x216 prin
mz700 MZ-700 320x200 cass
mz80a MZ-80A 320x200 cass
nano nano OSCOM Nano 96x288 quik
nc100 NC100 480x64 prin
nc150 nc150 NC150 480x64 prin
neiva neiva PK8020 Neiva 512x256 cass
neocdz Neo-Geo CDZ (US) 320x224 cdrm
ngp NeoGeo Pocket 160x152 cart
ngpc ngpc NeoGeo Pocket Color 160x152 cart
nimbus Nimbus 640x250 flop1
nms801 nms801 NMS-801 280x216 prin
ob68k1a OB68K1A x bitb
odyssey2 Odyssey 2 340x243 cart
omni2 omni2 Omni II 560x240 quik
omv1000 omv1000 Othello Multivision FG-1000 280x216 cart
omv2000 omv2000 Othello Multivision FG-2000 280x216 cart
ondrat Ondra 320x256 cass
ondrav ondrav Ondra ViLi 320x256 cass
orao Orao 102 256x256 cass
orao103 orao103 Orao 103 256x256 cass
orica orica Oric Atmos 240x224 prin
oric1 Oric 1 240x224 prin
orion128 Orion 128 384x256 cass
orionide orionide Orion 128 + Z80 Card II + IDE 384x256 cass
orionidm orionidm Orion 128 + Z80 Card II + IDE (MS7007) 384x256 cass
orionms orionms Orion 128 (MS7007) 384x256 cass
orionpro orionpro Orion Pro 384x256 cass
orionz80 orionz80 Orion 128 + Z80 Card II 384x256 cass
orionzms orionzms Orion 128 + Z80 Card II (MS7007) 384x256 cass
orizon orizon Orizon-Micro 352x296 dump
osborne1 Osborne-1 416x240 flop1
p2000t Philips P2000T 480x480
p500 P500 (NTSC) 418x235 flop1
pc pc PC (CGA) x flop1
pc1512 PC1512 SD 640x192 flop
pc8201a pc8201a PC-8201A 240x64 prin
pc8300 pc8300 PC8300 256x256 cass
pcega pcega PC (EGA) x flop1
pcherc pcherc PC (Hercules) x prin
pcm PC/M 512x128 cass
pcmda pcmda PC (MDA) x prin
pecom64 Pecom 64 294x294 cass
pegasus Aamber Pegasus 256x256 cart1
pegasusm pegasusm Aamber Pegasus with RAM expansion unit 256x256 cart1
pet2001 PET 2001-4 320x200 flop1
pet2001b PET 2001-B8 320x200 flop1
pet2001n PET 2001-N8 320x200 flop1
pet4016 PET 4016 320x200 flop1
pet4032b PET 4032B 320x200 flop1
pet8032 PET 8032 640x250 flop1
phc2 phc2 PHC-2 280x216 prin
phc23 phc23 Wavy PHC-23 (Japan) 544x480 prin
pico Pico (Europe, PAL) x cart
picoj picoj Pico (Japan, NTSC) x cart
picou picou Pico (USA, NTSC) x cart
pimps P.I.M.P.S. x
piopx7 piopx7 PX-07 280x216 prin
pipbug PIPBUG x quik
plus4 plus4 Plus/4 (NTSC) 336x216 cass
pmd851 PMD-85.1 288x256 cass
pmi80 PMI-80 x
pockstat Sony PocketStation 32x32 cart
poly88 Poly-88 640x240 cass
poly880 Poly-Computer 880 x cass
pow3000 pow3000 Power 3000 256x304 cass
prav82 prav82 Pravetz 82 560x192 flop1
prav8d prav8d Pravetz 8D 240x224 prin
prav8m prav8m Pravetz 8M 560x192 flop1
primoa32 Primo A-32 256x192 dump
promoa48 x
promoa64 x
primob32 primob32 Primo B-32 256x192 dump
pro128 pro128 Prodest PC 128 864x294 cass
prsarcde prsarcde Personal Arcade 280x216 cart
pv1000 PV-1000 256x192 cart
pv16 pv16 PV-16 280x216 prin
px4 PX-4 240x64 prin
px4p px4p PX-4+ 240x64 prin
pyl601 Pyldin-601 640x200 flop1
pyuuta pyuuta Tomy Pyuuta 280x216 prin
pyuutajr pyuutajr Tomy Pyuuta Jr. 280x216 prin
ql QL (UK) 512x256 flop1
ql_us ql_us QL (USA) 512x256 flop1
radio16 radio16 Radio-86RK (16K RAM) 468x300 cass
radio4k radio4k Radio-86RK (4K ROM) 468x300 cass
radio86 Radio-86RK 468x300 cass
radio99 radio99 Radio-99DM 512x256 cass
radionic radionic Radionic 512x256 cass
radioram radioram Radio-86RK (ROM/RAM Disk) 468x300 cass
rameses rameses Rameses (Oceania) 280x216 cass
ringo470 ringo470 Ringo 470 256x304 cass
rm380z RM-380Z 480x240 flop1
rs128 rs128 RS 128 280x216 prin
rx78 Gundam RX-78 192x184 cart
sabavdpl sabavdpl SABA Videoplay 102x58 cart
sabavpl2 sabavpl2 SABA Videoplay 2 102x58 cart
sacstate SacState 8008 x
samcoupe SAM Coupe 576x275 prin1
sapi1 SAPI-1 ZPS 1 240x216
sapizps2 sapizps2 SAPI-1 ZPS 2 240x216
savia84 Savia 84 x
sbc6510 SBC6510 x
sc3000 SC-3000 280x216 cass
sc3000h sc3000h SC-3000H 280x216 cass
seattle SCP-300F x
sf7000 sf7000 SC-3000/Super Control Station SF-7000 280x216 flop
sfach sfach Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (CPS Changer, Publicity USA 950727) 384x224
sfzch Street Fighter Zero (CPS Changer, Japan 951020) 384x224
sg1000 SG-1000 280x216 cart
sg1000m2 sg1000m2 SG-1000 II 280x216 cass
sg1000m3 sg1000m3 SG-1000 Mark III 268x224 card
sms Master System II 268x224 cart
sms1 sms1 Master System I 268x224 cart
smsj smsj Master System (Japan) 268x224 cart
sol20 SOL-20 576x208 cass1
sorcerer Sorcerer 512x240 prin
sorcererd sorcererd Sorcerer (with floppy disks) 512x240 prin
spec128 ZX Spectrum 128 352x296 dump
spec80k spec80k ZX Spectrum 80K 352x296 dump
specialm specialm Specialist M 384x256 cass
specide specide ZX Spectrum IDE 352x296 dump
specialm specialm Specialist M 384x256 cass
specimx specimx Specialist MX 384x256 cass
spektr01 spektr01 Spektr-001 468x300 cass
spektrbk spektrbk Spektr BK-001 352x296 dump
spectrum ZX Spectrum 352x296 dump
ssem Small-Scale Experimental Machine (SSEM), 'Baby' 256x280 cart
studio2 Studio II 100x246 cart
super80 Super-80 (V1.2) 256x160 prin
super80d super80d Super-80 (V2.2) 256x160 prin
super80m super80m Super-80 (with colour) 256x160 prin
supergb supergb Super Game Boy 256x224 cart
svi318n svi318n SVI-318 (NTSC) 280x216 prin
svi318 SVI-318 (PAL) 280x216 prin
svi728 svi728 SVI-728 280x216 prin
svi738 svi738 SVI-738 280x216 prin
svision Super Vision 160x160 cart
sx64 sx64 SX-64 / Executive 64 (NTSC) 418x235 cass
sys80 sys80 System-80 384x192 cass
t1000hx t1000hx Tandy 1000 HX 640x200 prin1
t1000rl t1000rl Tandy 1000 RL 640x200 prin1
t1000tl2 t1000tl2 Tandy 1000 TL/2 640x200 prin1
t1000tx t1000tx Tandy 1000 TX 640x200 prin1
t9000 t9000 T9000 864x294 prin
tadpc200 tadpc200 DPC-200 280x216 prin
tadpc20a tadpc20a DPC-200A 280x216 prin
tandy102 tandy102 Tandy 102 240x64 prin
tandy200 Tandy 200 240x128 prin
tanodr64 tanodr64 Tano Dragon 64 (NTSC) 320x240 cass
tc2048 tc2048 TC-2048 704x296 dump
ti99_4 TI99/4 Home Computer (US) 280x216 cart
ti99_4a TI99/4A Home Computer (US) 280x216 cart
ti99_4p SGCPU (a.k.a. 99/4P) 544x480 flop1
ti99_4qi TI99/4QI Home Computer 280x216 cart
ti99_8 TI-99/8 Computer (US) 280x216 cart
tk85 tk85 TK85 256x304 cass
tk90x tk90x TK 90X Color Computer 352x296 dump
tk95 tk95 TK 95 Color Computer 352x296 dump
tmc2000 Telmac 2000 96x288 quik
to7 TO7 864x294 prin
to770 TO7/70 864x294 prin
to8 TO8 864x294 cass
trs80 TRS-80 Model I (Level I Basic) 384x192 cass
trs80l2 trs80l2 TRS-80 Model I (Level II Basic) 384x192 cass
trs80m3 trs80m3 TRS-80 Model III 640x240 cass
trs80m4 trs80m4 TRS-80 Model 4 640x240 cass
trs80m4p trs80m4p TRS-80 Model 4P 640x240 cass
trsm100 TRS-80 Model 100 240x64 prin
ts1000 ts1000 Timex Sinclair 1000 256x304 cass
ts1500 ts1500 Timex Sinclair 1500 256x304 cass
ts2068 ts2068 TS-2068 704x256 dump
tutor Tomy Tutor 280x216 prin
tvlinkp tvlinkp TV Link PAL 160x160 cart
tx8000 tx8000 TX-8000 (UK) 320x240 prin
yk2086 x
ut88 ut88 UT-88 512x224 cass
ut88mini UT-88 mini x cass
v364 v364 Commodore V364 (Prototype) 336x216 cass
van16 Mephisto Vancouver 68000 100x20
vac32 x
vectrex Vectrex cart
vesta PK8000 Vesta 288x224 cass
vg802000 vg802000 VG-8020-00 280x216 prin
vg802020 vg802020 VG-8020-20 280x216 prin
vg8230 vg8230 VG-8230 544x480 prin
vg8235 vg8235 VG-8235 544x480 prin
vg8235f vg8235f VG-8235F 544x480 prin
vg8240 vg8240 VG-8240 544x480 prin
vic10 VIC-10 / Max Machine / UltiMax (NTSC) 418x235 cass
videopac videopac Videopac G7000/C52 340x243 cart
vip64 vip64 VIP-64 (Sweden/Finland) 403x284 cass
vz200 vz200 VZ-200 (Oceania) 320x240 prin
vz2000 vz2000 VZ 2000 (Oceania) 280x216 cass
vz300 vz300 VZ-300 (Oceania) 320x240 prin
wangpc Wang Professional Computer x flop1
wizzard wizzard Wizzard (Oceania) 280x216 cass
wofch Tenchi wo Kurau II: Sekiheki no Tatakai (CPS Changer, Japan 921031) 384x224
x07 X-07 x prin
x1 X1 (CZ-800C) 640x480 cart
x1turbo40 x1turbo40 X1 Turbo (CZ-862C) 640x480 cart
x820 x820 Xerox 820 560x240 flop1
xor100 XOR S-100-12 x flop1
y503iir y503iir YIS503IIR (Russian) 280x216 prin
y503iir2 y503iir2 YIS503IIR (Estonian) 280x216 prin
yc64 yc64 YC-64 280x216 prin
yis303 yis303 YIS303 280x216 prin
yis503 yis503 YIS503 280x216 prin
yis503ii yis503ii YIS503II 280x216 prin
z1013 Z1013 (matrix 8x4) 256x256 cass
z1013a2 z1013a2 Z1013 (matrix 8x8) 256x256 cass
zdsupers zdsupers SuperSport 640x200 prin1
zrt80 ZRT-80 640x200
zsbc3 ZSBC-3 x
zvezda zvezda Zvezda 352x296 dump
zx80 ZX-80 256x304 cass
zx81 ZX-81 256x304 cass