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SeCaV Prover

This is an automated theorem prover for the SeCaV system for first-order logic with functions.

It has been formally verified to be sound and complete, which means that it will never pretend to have proven an invalid formula, and that it will prove any valid formula if given enough time. The SeCaV Prover produces human-readable proofs in the SeCaV system, which means that users can verify the proofs by hand, and study them to understand why a formula is valid.

The prover is implemented and verified in Isabelle, with some supporting functions implemented in Haskell.


You can download an executable version of the prover (either as a Linux binary or a Docker image) from the release section of the development repository, or you can compile one yourself. Please see the development repository for the newest version.

Running via Docker

If you do not want to (or cannot) install the prover directly on your machine, you can run the prover in a Docker container. To do this you will need to have Docker installed on your machine.

You can either download a ready-to-use Docker image from the release section of the repository or build your own image (see below). If you have downloaded a Docker image from the release section, you can load it by running

docker load -i secav-prover-docker-image.tar.gz

Once you have a Docker image with the prover, you can run the prover inside a Docker container using e.g.

docker run secav-prover "Imp P P"

If you would like the prover to write Isabelle proof files (using the --isabelle option), you will need to give the Docker container access to a directory on your machine. You can give the container access to the current working directory and make the prover write an Isabelle proof file to it by running e.g.

docker run -v .:/outside secav-prover "Imp P P" --isabelle /outside/Proof.thy

Building a Docker image

To build your own Docker image, simply run the following command inside the repository directory:

docker build -t secav-prover .

This will take a while, but you should eventually end up with a Docker image containing the prover.

If you need to share your Docker image, you can export it using

docker save -o secav-prover-docker-image.tar secav-prover

This image can then be loaded using the instructions above (even if it is first compressed using e.g. gzip).


The prover is implemented in Isabelle and Haskell.

To compile the prover, you will need the following:

If you are on a Linux system, most of these can probably be installed through the package manager of your distribution. Otherwise, you will have to manually install each of them following the instructions on the pages linked above. If you are on Windows, you may additionally want a Cygwin installation to get a Unix-like environment.

Additionally, the Archive of Formal Proof must be installed and available to Isabelle. The "Using Entries" section of the linked page contains instructions on how to do this.

If all of these are available, the prover can be compiled by invoking make. This will first build the Isabelle theory, which involves checking the proofs of soundness and completeness, then exporting the prover into Haskell code. The Cabal build system will then be called on to compile and link the exported code with the supporting (hand-written) Haskell code. This will produce an executable binary somewhere in the dist-newstyle folder.

You can test that the prover works correctly by invoking make test. This will start two automated test suites consisting of integration tests for soundness and completeness. Since the Isabelle implementation of the prover has been formally verified to be sound and complete, these tests are mostly for the Haskell parts of the prover. Note that especially the completeness test suite may take quite a while to run since it involves processing many Isabelle theories.

You can now run the prover through the cabal run command, e.g.

cabal run secav-prover -- "Imp P P"

In the usage examples below, simply replace secav-prover with cabal run secav-prover -- to obtain equivalent results.

If you want to, you can also install the prover using the command cabal install secav-prover. The command secav-prover should then become available on your PATH.


The prover can be run by providing it with a formula in SeCaV Unshortener syntax, e.g.:

secav-prover "Imp P P"

If the formula is valid, the prover will then output a proof of the formula in SeCaV Unshortener syntax on standard output. If the formula is not valid, the prover will loop forever, possibly printing parts of the failed proof tree as it goes. For proof-theoretical reasons, there is generally no way to determine whether the prover is working on a proof that may still finish or is in an infinite loop. For small formulas, however, the prover should finish very quickly if the formula is valid.

If you would like the proof in Isabelle syntax instead, you may give a filename to write an Isabelle proof to using the -i (or --isabelle) switch, e.g.:

secav-prover "Imp P P" -i Proof.thy

The generated file can then be opened in Isabelle to verify the proof. To do so, the SeCaV theory must be available to Isabelle, e.g. by placing a copy of the SeCaV.thy file in the same folder as the generated file.

Organisation of the repository

The implementation of the prover is split into two main parts: the top folder contains the implementation of the proof search procedure itself as well as the formal proofs of soundness and completeness in Isabelle files (.thy), while the haskell folder contains implementations of supporting functions such as parsing and code generation.

The top folder contains the following theories:

  • SeCaV.thy contains the definition of the Sequent Calculus Verifier system, which is the logic we are working in, and a soundness theorem for the proof system
  • Sequent1.thy is a shim theory for linking the AFP theory to the Sequent_Calculus_Verifier theory
  • Sequent_Calculus_Verifier.thy contains a completeness result for the SeCaV proof system
  • Prover.thy contains the definition of the proof search procedure
  • Export.thy contains the configuration of the Isabelle-to-Haskell code generator for the proof search procedure
  • ProverLemmas.thy contains formal proofs of a number of useful properties of the proof search procedure
  • Hintikka.thy contains a definition of Hintikka sets for SeCaV formulas
  • EPathHintikka.thy contains formal proof that the sets of formulas in infinite proof trees produced by the proof search procedure are Hintikka sets
  • Usemantics.thy contains a definition of an alternative bounded semantics for SeCaV, which is used in the completeness proof
  • Countermodel.thy contains a formal proof that an infinite proof tree produced by the proof search procedure gives rise to a countermodel of the formula given to the procedure
  • Soundness.thy contains a formal proof of the soundness of the proof search procedure
  • Completeness.thy contains a formal proof of the completeness of the proof search procedure
  • Results.thy contains a summary of our theorems as well as some extra results linking the proof system, the SeCaV semantics, and the bounded semantics

The haskell folder initially contains two subfolders:

  • lib contains a parser for SeCaV Unshortener syntax, an Unshortener to SeCaV/Isabelle syntax, and a procedure for converting proof trees into SeCaV Unshortener proofs
  • app contains a definition of the command line interface of the prover

The Isabelle code generation will create a third subfolder, prover, which contains the generated proof search procedure in Haskell.

The test folder contains the definitions of the automated test suites for soundness and completeness. The files secav-prover.cabal and Setup.hs are used to configure the Cabal build system. The file .hlint.yaml is used to configure the HLint tool to ignore the generated Haskell code.


A very simple example is the one used above:

> secav-prover "Imp P P"

Imp P P

  Neg P
  Neg P

If we add the --isabelle Imp.thy option, we instead obtain a file containing:

theory Imp imports SeCaV begin

proposition \<open>P \<longrightarrow> P\<close> by metis

text \<open>
  Predicate numbers

    0 = P

lemma \<open>\<tturnstile>
    Imp (Pre 0 []) (Pre 0 [])
proof -
  from AlphaImp have ?thesis if \<open>\<tturnstile>
      Neg (Pre 0 []),
      Pre 0 []
    using that by simp
  with Ext have ?thesis if \<open>\<tturnstile>
      Pre 0 [],
      Neg (Pre 0 [])
    using that by simp
  with Basic show ?thesis
    by simp


The prover works in first-order logic with functions, so we can also try:

> secav-prover "Imp (Uni p[0]) (Exi (p[f[0]]))"
Imp (Uni (p [0])) (Exi (p [f[0]]))

  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  p [f[f[0]]]
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  p [f[f[0]]]
  p [f[0]]
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  p [f[f[0]]]
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  p [f[f[0]]]
  p [f[0]]
  Neg (p [f[f[0]]])
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  p [f[f[0]]]
  p [f[0]]
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  p [f[f[0]]]
  p [f[0]]
  Neg (p [f[f[0]]])
  Neg (p [f[0]])
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  p [f[f[0]]]
  p [f[0]]
  Neg (p [f[f[0]]])
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  p [f[f[0]]]
  p [f[0]]
  Neg (p [f[f[0]]])
  Neg (p [f[0]])
  Neg (p [0])
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Exi (p [f[0]])
  p [f[f[0]]]
  p [f[0]]
  Neg (p [f[f[0]]])
  Neg (p [f[0]])
  p [f[f[0]]]
  p [f[0]]
  Neg (Uni (p [0]))
  Neg (p [f[f[0]]])
  Neg (p [f[0]])
  Neg (p [0])
  Exi (p [f[0]])

Authors and license


The prover is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3.0. See the LICENSE file for the text of the license.