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sherali42 committed Mar 31, 2020
2 parents 256c74b + b86fef1 commit 95c7cbf
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Showing 116 changed files with 2,522 additions and 1,543 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -353,25 +353,24 @@ extends ColumnStore with CassandraChunkSource with StrictLogging {

private def hour(millis: Long = System.currentTimeMillis()) = millis / 1000 / 60 / 60

def writePartKeys(ref: DatasetRef,
shard: Int,
partKeys: Observable[PartKeyRecord],
diskTTLSeconds: Int,
diskTTLSeconds: Int, updateHour: Long,
writeToPkUTTable: Boolean = true): Future[Response] = {
val pkTable = getOrCreatePartitionKeysTable(ref, shard)
val pkByUTTable = getOrCreatePartitionKeysByUpdateTimeTable(ref)
val updateHour = hour()
val span = Kamon.spanBuilder("write-part-keys").asChildOf(Kamon.currentSpan()).start()
val ret = partKeys.mapAsync(writeParallelism) { pk =>
val ttl = if (pk.endTime == Long.MaxValue) -1 else diskTTLSeconds
val split = pk.hash.get % pkByUTNumSplits // caller needs to supply hash for partKey - cannot be None
// caller needs to supply hash for partKey - cannot be None
// Logical & MaxValue needed to make split positive by zeroing sign bit
val split = (pk.hash.get & Int.MaxValue) % pkByUTNumSplits
val writePkFut = pkTable.writePartKey(pk, ttl).flatMap {
case resp if resp == Success
&& writeToPkUTTable => pkByUTTable.writePartKey(shard, updateHour, split, pk, pkByUTTtlSeconds)

case resp => Future.successful(resp)
case resp if resp == Success && writeToPkUTTable =>
pkByUTTable.writePartKey(shard, updateHour, split, pk, pkByUTTtlSeconds)
case resp =>
Task.fromFuture(writePkFut).map{ resp =>
Expand All @@ -386,11 +385,16 @@ extends ColumnStore with CassandraChunkSource with StrictLogging {
shard: Int,
updateHour: Long): Observable[PartKeyRecord] = {
val pkByUTTable = getOrCreatePartitionKeysByUpdateTimeTable(ref)
Observable.fromIterable(0 to pkByUTNumSplits)
Observable.fromIterable(0 until pkByUTNumSplits)
.flatMap { split => pkByUTTable.scanPartKeys(shard, updateHour, split) }

* FIXME this works only for Murmur3Partitioner because it generates
* Long based tokens. If other partitioners are used, this can potentially break.
* Correct way is to pass Token objects so CQL stmts can bind tokens with stmt.bind().setPartitionKeyToken(token)
case class CassandraTokenRangeSplit(tokens: Seq[(String, String)],
replicas: Set[InetSocketAddress]) extends ScanSplit {
// NOTE: You need both the host string and the IP address for Spark's locality to work
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,14 +481,14 @@ trait CassandraChunkSource extends RawChunkSource with StrictLogging {

def getOrCreateIngestionTimeIndexTable(dataset: DatasetRef): IngestionTimeIndexTable = {
{ dataset: DatasetRef =>
new IngestionTimeIndexTable(dataset, clusterConnector)(readEc) })
{ dataset: DatasetRef =>
new IngestionTimeIndexTable(dataset, clusterConnector, ingestionConsistencyLevel)(readEc) })

def getOrCreatePartitionKeysByUpdateTimeTable(dataset: DatasetRef): PartitionKeysByUpdateTimeTable = {
{ dataset: DatasetRef =>
new PartitionKeysByUpdateTimeTable(dataset, clusterConnector)(readEc) })
new PartitionKeysByUpdateTimeTable(dataset, clusterConnector, ingestionConsistencyLevel)(readEc) })

def getOrCreatePartitionKeysTable(dataset: DatasetRef, shard: Int): PartitionKeysTable = {
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ import
* using TimeSeriesChunksTable. This is because the chunks are likely to be fetched from
* Cassandra due to locality when using TimeSeriesChunksTable, and the chunks table is smaller.
sealed class IngestionTimeIndexTable(val dataset: DatasetRef, val connector: FiloCassandraConnector)
sealed class IngestionTimeIndexTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
val connector: FiloCassandraConnector,
writeConsistencyLevel: ConsistencyLevel)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends BaseDatasetTable {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

Expand All @@ -36,9 +38,26 @@ sealed class IngestionTimeIndexTable(val dataset: DatasetRef, val connector: Fil
|) WITH compression = {
'sstable_compression': '$sstableCompression'}""".stripMargin

lazy val allCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT ingestion_time, start_time, info FROM $tableString " +
s" WHERE partition = ?")
private lazy val writeIndexCql = session.prepare(
s"INSERT INTO $tableString (partition, ingestion_time, start_time, info) " +
s"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL ?")

private lazy val allCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT ingestion_time, start_time, info FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE partition = ?")

private lazy val scanCql1 = session.prepare(
s"SELECT partition, ingestion_time, start_time, info FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE TOKEN(partition) >= ? AND TOKEN(partition) < ? AND ingestion_time >= ? AND ingestion_time <= ? " +

private lazy val scanCql2 = session.prepare(
s"SELECT partition FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE TOKEN(partition) >= ? AND TOKEN(partition) < ? AND ingestion_time >= ? AND ingestion_time <= ? " +

Expand All @@ -63,36 +82,40 @@ sealed class IngestionTimeIndexTable(val dataset: DatasetRef, val connector: Fil
def scanRowsByIngestionTimeNoAsync(tokens: Seq[(String, String)],
ingestionTimeStart: Long,
ingestionTimeEnd: Long): Iterator[Row] = {
def cql(start: String, end: String): String =
s"SELECT partition, ingestion_time, start_time, info FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE TOKEN(partition) >= $start AND TOKEN(partition) < $end " +
s"AND ingestion_time >= $ingestionTimeStart AND ingestion_time <= $ingestionTimeEnd " +

tokens.iterator.flatMap { case (start, end) =>
session.execute(cql(start, end)).iterator.asScala
* FIXME conversion of tokens to Long works only for Murmur3Partitioner because it generates
* Long based tokens. If other partitioners are used, this can potentially break.
* Correct way is to pass Token objects around and bind tokens with stmt.bind().setPartitionKeyToken(token)
val stmt = scanCql1.bind(start.toLong: java.lang.Long,
end.toLong: java.lang.Long,
ingestionTimeStart: java.lang.Long,
ingestionTimeEnd: java.lang.Long)

def scanPartKeysByIngestionTime(tokens: Seq[(String, String)],
ingestionTimeStart: Long,
ingestionTimeEnd: Long): Observable[ByteBuffer] = {
def cql(start: String, end: String): String =
s"SELECT partition FROM $tableString WHERE TOKEN(partition) >= $start AND TOKEN(partition) < $end " +
s"AND ingestion_time >= $ingestionTimeStart AND ingestion_time <= $ingestionTimeEnd " +
val it = tokens.iterator.flatMap { case (start, end) =>
session.execute(cql(start, end)).iterator.asScala
* FIXME conversion of tokens to Long works only for Murmur3Partitioner because it generates
* Long based tokens. If other partitioners are used, this can potentially break.
* Correct way is to pass Token objects around and bind tokens with stmt.bind().setPartitionKeyToken(token)
val stmt = scanCql2.bind(start.toLong: java.lang.Long,
end.toLong: java.lang.Long,
ingestionTimeStart: java.lang.Long,
ingestionTimeEnd: java.lang.Long)
.map { row => row.getBytes("partition") }

lazy val writeIndexCql = session.prepare(
s"INSERT INTO $tableString (partition, ingestion_time, start_time, info) " +
"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL ?")

* Writes new records to the ingestion table.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ import filodb.core.{DatasetRef, Response}

sealed class PartitionKeysByUpdateTimeTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
val connector: FiloCassandraConnector)
val connector: FiloCassandraConnector,
writeConsistencyLevel: ConsistencyLevel)
(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) extends BaseDatasetTable {

import filodb.cassandra.Util._
Expand All @@ -32,11 +33,16 @@ sealed class PartitionKeysByUpdateTimeTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
| WITH compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '16', 'sstable_compression': '$sstableCompression'}""".stripMargin
// TODO time window compaction since we have time component in the primary key

lazy val writePartitionKeyCql =
s"INSERT INTO ${tableString} (shard, epochHour, split, partKey, startTime, endTime) " +
s"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL ?")
private lazy val writePartitionKeyCql = session.prepare(
s"INSERT INTO $tableString (shard, epochHour, split, partKey, startTime, endTime) " +
s"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL ?")

private lazy val readCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT * FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE shard = ? AND epochHour = ? AND split = ? ")

def writePartKey(shard: Int, updateHour: Long, split: Int,
pk: PartKeyRecord, ttlSeconds: Int): Future[Response] = {
Expand All @@ -45,8 +51,6 @@ sealed class PartitionKeysByUpdateTimeTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
toBuffer(pk.partKey), pk.startTime: JLong, pk.endTime: JLong, ttlSeconds: JInt))

lazy val readCql = session.prepare(s"SELECT * FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE shard = ? AND epochHour = ? AND split = ? ")
def scanPartKeys(shard: Int, updateHour: Long, split: Int): Observable[PartKeyRecord] = {
session.executeAsync(readCql.bind(shard: JInt, updateHour: JLong, split: JInt))
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,16 +30,21 @@ sealed class PartitionKeysTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
| PRIMARY KEY (partKey)
|) WITH compression = {'chunk_length_in_kb': '16', 'sstable_compression': '$sstableCompression'}""".stripMargin

lazy val writePartitionCql =
s"INSERT INTO ${tableString} (partKey, startTime, endTime) VALUES (?, ?, ?) USING TTL ?")
private lazy val writePartitionCql = session.prepare(
s"INSERT INTO ${tableString} (partKey, startTime, endTime) " +
s"VALUES (?, ?, ?) USING TTL ?")

lazy val writePartitionCqlNoTtl =
s"INSERT INTO ${tableString} (partKey, startTime, endTime) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")
private lazy val writePartitionCqlNoTtl = session.prepare(
s"INSERT INTO ${tableString} (partKey, startTime, endTime) " +
s"VALUES (?, ?, ?)")

private lazy val scanCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT * FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE TOKEN(partKey) >= ? AND TOKEN(partKey) < ?")

def writePartKey(pk: PartKeyRecord, diskTimeToLiveSeconds: Int): Future[Response] = {
if (diskTimeToLiveSeconds <= 0) {
Expand All @@ -50,8 +55,6 @@ sealed class PartitionKeysTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,

lazy val scanCql = session.prepare(s"SELECT * FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE TOKEN(partKey) >= ? AND TOKEN(partKey) < ?")
def scanPartKeys(tokens: Seq[(String, String)], shard: Int): Observable[PartKeyRecord] = {
val res: Observable[Iterator[PartKeyRecord]] = Observable.fromIterable(tokens)
.mapAsync { range =>
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,10 +40,36 @@ sealed class TimeSeriesChunksTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
|) WITH compression = {
'sstable_compression': '$sstableCompression'}""".stripMargin

lazy val writeChunksCql = session.prepare(
s"""INSERT INTO $tableString (partition, chunkid, info, chunks
|) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL ?""".stripMargin
private lazy val writeChunksCql = session.prepare(
s"INSERT INTO $tableString (partition, chunkid, info, chunks) " +
s"VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) USING TTL ?")

private lazy val readChunkInCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT info, chunks FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE partition = ? AND chunkid IN ?")

private lazy val readChunksCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT chunkid, info, chunks FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE partition = ? AND chunkid IN ?")

private lazy val readAllChunksCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT chunkid, info, chunks FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE partition = ?")

private lazy val scanBySplit = session.prepare(
s"SELECT partition, info, chunks FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE TOKEN(partition) >= ? AND TOKEN(partition) < ?")

private lazy val readChunkRangeCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT partition, info, chunks FROM $tableString " +
s"WHERE partition IN ? AND chunkid >= ? AND chunkid < ?")

def writeChunks(partition: Array[Byte],
chunkInfo: ChunkSetInfo,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,12 +107,6 @@ sealed class TimeSeriesChunksTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,

lazy val readChunkInCql = session.prepare(
s"""SELECT info, chunks FROM $tableString WHERE
| partition = ?
| AND chunkid IN ?""".stripMargin)

* Reads and returns a single RawPartData, raw data for a single partition/time series
Expand All @@ -109,10 +129,6 @@ sealed class TimeSeriesChunksTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
RawChunkSet(row.getBytes(infoIndex).array, chunks)

lazy val readChunksCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT chunkid, info, chunks FROM $tableString WHERE partition = ? AND chunkid IN ?")

* Reads raw chunk set Rows consisting of:
Expand All @@ -129,10 +145,6 @@ sealed class TimeSeriesChunksTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,

lazy val readAllChunksCql = session.prepare(
s"SELECT chunkid, info, chunks FROM $tableString WHERE partition = ?")

* Test method which returns the same results as the readChunks method. Not async-friendly.
Expand All @@ -143,12 +155,6 @@ sealed class TimeSeriesChunksTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,
* Reads and returns a stream of RawPartDatas given a range of chunkIDs from multiple partitions
lazy val readChunkRangeCql = session.prepare(
s"""SELECT partition, info, chunks FROM $tableString WHERE
| partition IN ?
| AND chunkid >= ? AND chunkid < ?""".stripMargin)

def readRawPartitionRange(partitions: Seq[Array[Byte]],
startTime: Long,
endTimeExclusive: Long): Observable[RawPartData] = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,10 +183,15 @@ sealed class TimeSeriesChunksTable(val dataset: DatasetRef,

def scanPartitionsBySplit(tokens: Seq[(String, String)]): Observable[RawPartData] = {
def cql(start: String, end: String): String =
s"SELECT partition, info, chunks FROM $tableString WHERE TOKEN(partition) >= $start AND TOKEN(partition) < $end "

val res: Observable[Future[Iterator[RawPartData]]] = Observable.fromIterable(tokens).map { case (start, end) =>
session.executeAsync(cql(start, end)).toIterator.handleErrors
* FIXME conversion of tokens to Long works only for Murmur3Partitioner because it generates
* Long based tokens. If other partitioners are used, this can potentially break.
* Correct way to bind tokens is to do stmt.bind().setPartitionKeyToken(token)
val stmt = scanBySplit.bind(start.toLong: java.lang.Long, end.toLong: java.lang.Long)
.map { rowIt => { row => (row.getBytes(0), chunkSetFromRow(row, 1)) }
Expand Down

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