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The LoCoHD metric for protein-protein structure comparison


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Welcome to LoCoHD!

PyPI Python Rust Maturin


LoCoHD (Local Composition Hellinger Distance) is a metric for comparing protein structures. It can be used for one single structure-structure comparison, for the comparison of multiple structures inside ensembles, or for the comparison of structures inside an MD simulation trajectory. It is also a general-purpose metric for labelled point clouds with variable point counts. In contrast to RMSD, the TM-score, lDDT, or GDT_TS, it is based on the measurement of local composition differences, rather than of the Euclidean deviations.

Where can I read about it?

This work has been published in Nature Communications. If you would like to cite us, you can do it like this:

  title = {LoCoHD: a metric for comparing local environments of proteins},
  volume = {15},
  ISSN = {2041-1723},
  url = {},
  DOI = {10.1038/s41467-024-48225-0},
  number = {1},
  journal = {Nature Communications},
  publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
  author = {Fazekas,  Zsolt and K. Menyhárd,  Dóra and Perczel,  András},
  year = {2024},
  month = may 

Demo scripts

If you are interested in how to run the Python scripts that are used for the creation of the article, see the file.

System requirements

Software dependencies

LoCoHD is a Python3 package, so it most definitely requires Python3. Additionally, it also needs BioPython and Numpy. It was tested with

  • Python version 3.10.10,
  • BioPython version 1.81,
  • Numpy version 1.21.6.

Its build-dependencies are Rust (tested with rustc version 1.70.70) and Maturin (tested with version 0.14.15).

Some of the scripts in python_codes use other packages too:

  • Matplotlib version 3.7.1
  • SciPy version 1.10.0
  • MDAnalysis version 2.4.2
  • scikit-learn version 1.2.1

The full package and scripts were tested on Linux (Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS). Installation was tested on Pop!_OS and OpenSUSE Leap 15.3.

Hardware requirements

No special hardware is needed to run LoCoHD. It was written and tested on a laptop with the following specs:

  • Model = Dell Latitude 5490
  • RAM = 16 Gb
  • Processor = Intel Core i5-8250U CPU @ 1.60GHz x 8

Since it doesn't need much RAM and CPU power to run, theoretically it can be also ran on less capable machines.

How can I install it?

Using docker

A Dockerfile is provided to install LoCoHD in a containerized manner. Make sure that you have docker installed on your system. Clone the GitHub repository and enter it:

git clone && cd loco_hd

Next, build the image:

docker build -t loco_hd:latest .

Using this way, you can either use the LoCoHD CLI from this image...:

docker run --rm loco_hd:latest [LoCoHD arguments]

...or run custom scripts:

docker run --rm -v [ptscr]:/script -v [ptstr]:/structures --entrypoint python loco_hd:latest [ptscr]

where [ptscr] is the local path to the script to run (can be $(pwd) for example), and [ptstr] is the path to the structures to be compared (probably used by the script).

Note: This docker image only contains LoCoHD, BioPython, NumPy and the standard Python library installed. Your scripts won't be able to utilize other libraries in it, like SciPy, ScikitLearn or Matplotlib. If you want to use these, modify the Dockerfile accordingly.

Install the Rust compiler

If you install LoCoHD from source or using pip, you definitely need to install Rust to your system. To do this you can choose from several methods. Either you install Rust using the "standard" way with the official script:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

which installs Rust globally, or if you are using an environment manager, like Anaconda, Miniconda, or Mambaforge, you can simply install Rust with

conda install -c conda-forge rust

If you are a Windows user, visit this link.

The overall installation time does not exceed a few minutes.

Note: Maturin is a build-dependency of LoCoHD, and it won't run outside a virtual environment!

From PyPI

With pip, it is easy to add LoCoHD to your packages:

pip install loco-hd

Building from source

Besides Rust, you will also need Python3, pip, and the package Maturin if you choose building from source. Maturin can be installed with the following one-liner:

pip install maturin


conda install -c conda-forge maturin

Next, clone the repository and enter it:

git clone && cd loco_hd

Run Maturin to install LoCoHD into your active environment:

maturin develop

And you are done!

Running the Rust unit tests

Unit tests can be run with Cargo. Since this is a PyO3 project, an additional --no-default-features flag is needed:

cargo test --no-default-features

How can I use it in the CLI?

Although this is highly experimental yet and was not thoroughly tested, it is possible to use LoCoHD from the CLI. Generally, you run it like this:

python -m loco_hd [LoCoHD arguments]

or using the containerized version:

docker run [Docker arguments] loco_hd:latest [LoCoHD arguments]

The required LoCoHD arguments are the following (for more information, use the --help flag.):

  • -s1 specifies the path to the first structure (pdb) file
  • -s2 specifies the path to the second structure (pdb) file
  • -pts specifies the path to the primitive typing scheme (json) file
  • -afp specifies the path to an anchor pairing file

The latter flag must point to a file having the following properties:

  • it should be a simple text file, not a binary
  • it can contain newline characters, since these will be stripped from the file (but spaces won't!)
  • it must contain primitive atom pair defining parts, separated by semicolons
  • a primitive atom pair defining part must contain exactly two primitive atom defining part, separated by a single colon
  • a primitive atom defining part contains a chain ID (e.g.: A), a residue ID (e.g.: 123-GLY), and an atom set (e.g.: CA,CB,CG, without spaces!) separated by forward-slashes

The latter one is necessary, since primitive atoms can come from multiple true atoms (like centroids and coarse grained atoms). Here is an example file:


This file specifies that a primitive atom coming from chain " " (note the space!), residue Glu2, atom set {OE1, OE2} should be paired up with a primitive atom coming from chain "B", residue Cys73, atom set {SG}. The environments around these anchors will be compared (along with 3 other pairings) using LoCoHD.

How can I use it in my scripts?

LoCoHD was originally intended to be used within Python scripts (and this is still the preferred way), mostly through BioPython as the main .pdb file reader. It is also possible to use it with other protein/molecular structure readers, but the user has to write the appropriate parser that converts the information within the file into the information required for LoCoHD. An example for this can be found here, where the structures come from a molecular dynamics trajectory and parsing is achieved by MDAnalysis.

For the comparison of two protein structures with LoCoHD the following simple steps are necessary:

1. Loading the structures from pdb files

The imports defined here are necessary for the following code sections.

from pathlib import Path
from Bio.PDB.PDBParser import PDBParser
from loco_hd import *

structure1 = PDBParser(QUIET=True).get_structure("s1", "path/to/structure1.pdb")
structure2 = PDBParser(QUIET=True).get_structure("s2", "path/to/structure2.pdb")

2. Selecting the primitive typing scheme

In this section, the true protein structures (with "true" atoms) are converted into primitive template structures (lists containing PrimitiveAtomTemplate instances). These serve as intermediate instances between the Atom class (from BioPython) and the PrimitiveAtom class (from loco-hd).

primitive_assigner = PrimitiveAssigner(Path("path/to/primitive/typing/scheme.json"))
pra_templates1 = primitive_assigner.assign_primitive_structure(structure1)
pra_templates2 = primitive_assigner.assign_primitive_structure(structure2)

3. Selecting the anchor atoms

Here, it is assumed that the two structures contain the same number of anchor atoms and are paired in the same order. This is not necessary, since the anchor atom selection and pairing is easily customizable by just selecting the primitive atom index pairs. In these examples it is only assumed to simplify things.

In the case, where all atoms are anchor atoms we can use:

anchor_pairs = [
    (idx, idx) 
    for idx in range(len(pra_templates1))

Or if only primitive atoms with the "Cent" primitive type are anchors:

anchor_pairs = [
    (idx, idx) 
    for idx, prat in enumerate(pra_templates1)
    if prat.primitive_type == "Cent"

The only important thing is that the indices inside the tuples must be valid within the first and second primitive atom (template) lists. An example for a more complicated pairing is given here, where we only consider PrimitiveAtom pairs, where one has a primitive type of "O_neg" and the other has a primitive type of "C_aro":

anchor_pairs = [
    (idx_a, idx_b)
    for idx_a, prat_a in enumerate(pra_templates1)
    if prat_a.primitive_type == "O_neg"
    for idx_b, prat_b in enumerate(pra_templates2)
    if prat_b.primitive_type == "C_aro"

4. Conversion of PrimitiveAtomTemplate instances to PrimitiveAtom instances

The intermediate templates are only necessary, so we can have an opportunity to set the tag field of our PrimitiveAtoms. This field is used for the conditional setting of the "environment" of each anchor atom. For example, this can be used to ban homo-residue contacts, i.e. to ban a primitive atom from the environment of an anchor atom if the primitive atom comes from the same residue as the anchor. For further explanation see section #5.

To do the conversion in a clean and effective manner we can define the following function:

def prat_to_pra(prat: PrimitiveAtomTemplate) -> PrimitiveAtom:

    resi_id = prat.atom_source.source_residue
    resname = prat.atom_source.source_residue_name
    source = f"{resi_id[2]}/{resi_id[3][1]}-{resname}"

    return PrimitiveAtom(
        source,  # this is the tag field!

After this, a simple map will do:

pra1 = list(map(prat_to_pra, pra_templates1))
pra2 = list(map(prat_to_pra, pra_templates2))

5. Creating the LoCoHD instance

This will create a simple LoCoHD instance that operates with a uniform weight function between 3 and 10 angströms and doesn't consider the tag field of the primitive atoms (i.e. it accepts any anchor atom - primitive atom contacts):

lchd = LoCoHD(primitive_assigner.all_primitive_types)

To explicitly state the weight function use:

w_func = WeightFunction("uniform", [3., 10.])
lchd = LoCoHD(primitive_assigner.all_primitive_types, w_func)

There is a collection of weight functions available.

Or to explicitly state the tag-pairing rule:

w_func = WeightFunction("uniform", [3., 10.])
tag_pairing_rule = TagPairingRule({"accept_same": False})
lchd = LoCoHD(

The latter code creates a LoCoHD instance that considers the tag field and disregards primitive atoms in the environment that have the same tag as the anchor atom.

Other tag pairing rules are also available.

Finally, the number of parallel threads LoCoHD can use can also be set as a last argument:

lchd = LoCoHD(

6. Calculation of the LoCoHD scores

The LoCoHD class offers several methods for LoCoHD score calculation. These are the:

  • from_anchors method, calculating a single LoCoHD score from two anchor atom environments,
  • from_dmxs method, calculating several LoCoHD scores, each belonging to corresponding row-pairs of primitive atom distance-matrices,
  • from_coords method, calculating several LoCoHD scores from the coordinates of primitive atoms (it uses the from_dmxs method under the hood),
  • from_primitives method, calculating several LoCoHD scores from a list of PrimitiveAtom instances.

Most of the time the from_primitives method should be used. This is the only method that uses PrimitiveAtom instances, takes tag pairing rules into account, and speeds up calculations through the use of an upper distance cutoff for the environments.

lchd_scores = lchd.from_primitives(
    10.  # upper distance cutoff at 10 angströms

This gives a list of LoCoHD scores (floats), each describing the environmental difference/distance/dissimilarity between two anchor atom environments. This is a score between 0 and 1, with larger values meaning greater dissimilarity.