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Satisfactory Dedicated Server

Run your favorite factory automator in a docker container!


Satisfactory released dedicated servers in the experimental build v0.7.0.8. This release allows for running dedicated Linux servers. The purpose of this repository is to build and run a container for a Satisfactory dedicated server.

Building the container

In order to build the container, the easiest way to get started is to use the docker compose tool. Leverage the docker compose command to build the dedicated server container so it is ready to be used. Sometimes you may have to bust the cache if a new version of the server is released but the Dockerfile is not changed. This can be accomplished by adding the --no-cache flag.

# Use docker compose and build the container.
> docker compose build

# Check that the image exists.
> docker compose images

Container                              Repository            Tag                 Image Id            Size
satisfactory_server_run_3dbda5535725   satisfactory_server   latest              a14a129080e0        7.68GB

Creating and configuring the data volume(s)

In order for any worlds or save game data to persist, we need a volume. There are many ways to go about adding a persistent volume to your server but this document will only go over the docker volume method.

The the built-in takes care of setting the correct owner and permission of the data files on startup.

If you are using the docker-compose.yml file included with this repository and not using the built-in data volume or using a bind-mount, you may need to fix the permissions yourself to ensure the unprivleged user in the container owns the volume's data files. Otherwise the server can't write to it.

It is generally sufficient to simply change ownership to the unprivileged user (UID/GID is in the Dockerfile) on the mount targets inside the container.

Running the dedicated server

Once you've ensured proper ownership of the data volume files, you can then bring the dedicated server container up. Simply use the docker compose up command and it will bootstrap.

# Attached console mode.
docker compose up server

# Detatched console mode.
docker compose up -d server

New data volume: important note

If your data volume contains no data then the server will initialize in a naked "unclaimed" mode. When you connect to it for the first time it will prompt you to set some information such as the password, as well as the option to create a first initial world. Therefore, it may be wise to keep the server behind a protected firewall before exposing it to the Internet or others. Then, after it is initialized, it should be safe to expose it.


A Satisfactory dedicated server containerized into a Docker container for portable deployment.







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