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This repository contains code and examples for implementing test automation using WebdriverIO, a powerful test automation framework for Node.js. With WebdriverIO, you can conduct end-to-end, unit, and component testing in the browser environment.



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Welcome to the WebdriverIO Testing repository! This repository contains code and examples for implementing test automation using WebdriverIO, a powerful test automation framework for Node.js. With WebdriverIO, you can conduct end-to-end, unit, and component testing in the browser environment.



  • End-to-end, unit, and component testing in the browser
  • Supports BDD or TDD test frameworks
  • Local and cloud-based testing
  • Automated waiting for elements to appear before interaction
  • Command line interface for easy configuration setup
  • Integration with various test frameworks and reporter plugins

Watch a Demo

Check out this demo of running WebdriverIO tests:

Run Test

Getting Started

To get started with WebdriverIO, follow these steps:

  1. Create a project folder and open it on Visual Studio Code or a text editor of your choice.

  2. Install WebdriverIO in your project:

    npm install @wdio/cli
  3. Create a configuration file for WebdriverIO:

    npx wdio config
  4. Create a Tests folder in your project directory. Inside the Tests folder, create a Specs folder. Then, create a file called test.e2e.js inside the Specs folder and add your test script.

    const { expect, browser, $ } = require("@wdio/globals");
    describe("Form Submit Demo", () => {
        it("should fill form input fields", async () => {
            await browser.url('');
            await $("#title").setValue("John Doe");
            await $("#description").setValue("Hello there");
            await $("#btn-submit").click();
  5. Run the test:

    npm run wdio

Once the command is done running, you should be able to see the results of the tests on the command line.

YouTube Video Tutorial 👇🏿


Watch the video tutorial for a visual guide on getting started with Jasmine.


We welcome contributions to this repository! To contribute, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch for your features or fixes
  3. Make your changes
  4. Test your changes thoroughly
  5. Submit a pull request


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Mejbaur Bahar Fagun
Mejbaur Bahar Fagun
Product Acceptance Engineer (L2) @ DEVxHUB | 🥸 Lead SQA and 🐞 Security Analysts 🐛 Bug Bounty 👻 DevSecOps


This repository contains code and examples for implementing test automation using WebdriverIO, a powerful test automation framework for Node.js. With WebdriverIO, you can conduct end-to-end, unit, and component testing in the browser environment.




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