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An Express server and middleware for querying your Foobot using GraphQL.

npm install --save foobot-graphql



This package can be used both as a standalone GraphQL server and as Express middleware supplying a GraphQL endpoint.

As a standalone server

Run the included foobot-graphql executable to start the server. The server is configured using environment variables.

$ foobot-graphql
Listening on port 3000.

Development mode features like JSON pretty printing and the GraphiQL interface will be enabled unless the server is run with NODE_ENV=production.

As middleware

If you have an existing Express server and want to add this GraphQL service as an endpoint, or you just want more customization, use the middleware.

import express from 'express';
import foobotGraphQL from 'foobot-graphql';

const app = express();

app.use('/foobot', foobotGraphQL());
// or, pass some options:
app.use('/foobot', foobotGraphQL({ graphiql: false }));


The foobotGraphQL middleware function accepts the following options:

  • client: A custom API client instance to use. See the client submodule for help with creating a custom instance.
  • Any remaining options are passed along to the standard GraphQL middleware. See the express-graphql documentation for more information.

Environment Variables

  • FOOBOT_API_KEY: API key to authenticate with. Request an API key at the Foobot site.
  • FOOBOT_USERNAME: Username of the account owner.
  • FOOBOT_DEFAULT_DEVICE: Device UUID to use as the default, so you don’t have to look it up and specify it every time if you only have one device.
  • PORT: Port number to use, if running the standalone server.

When running the standalone server, dotenv is used to load these variables from a .env file, if one exists in the current working directory. See the dotenv package for more information.


The DEBUG environment variable can be used to enable logging for all (or just some) of this package’s submodules:

$ DEBUG=foobot-graphql:* foobot-graphql

See the debug package for more information.

Example Queries

Get the latest sensor data from the default device:

  device {
    sensors {
      pm {
        datapoints {
      co2 {
        datapoints {
      voc {
        datapoints {

Get the 15-minute averaged pollution index for the last day from device ABCDEF:

  device(uuid: "ABCDEF") {
    sensors(period: 86400, averageBy: 900) {
      allpollu {
        datapoints {


# A single datapoint from a sensor.
type Datapoint {
  # The timestamp of the reading.
  time: Date

  # The numeric value of the sensor reading.
  value: Float

scalar Date

# Information about a single device.
type Device {
  # The UUID of the device.
  uuid: String

  # The friendly name of the device.
  name: String

  # The MAC of the device.
  mac: String

  # The ID of the user who owns the device.
  userID: Int

  # The set of sensors on a single device.
    # Number of seconds between start time of the period and now.
    period: Int = 0

    # Resolution of the returned datapoints in seconds. Use 0 or 300 for no
    # averaging. For long range requests, it is recommended to use 3600 (hourly
    # average) or a multiple.
    averageBy: Int = 0
  ): Sensors

type Query {
    # The UUID of the device. If none is supplied, the default will be determined based on the server’s configuration.
    uuid: String
  ): Device

# Information from a single sensor.
type Sensor {
  # The units for the value returned in each datapoint.
  units: String

  # The set of datapoints for the requested period.
  datapoints: [Datapoint]

type Sensors {
  # The timestamp of the earliest returned datapoint.
  start: Date

  # The timestamp of the last returned datapoint.
  end: Date

  # The timestamp at which we expect a new datapoint from the device. Clients can
  # use this to determine when their data is stale.
  expires: Date

  # Particulate matter.
  pm: Sensor

  # Temperature.
  tmp: Sensor

  # Humidity.
  hum: Sensor

  # Carbon dioxide.
  co2: Sensor

  # Volatile organic compounds.
  voc: Sensor

  # Overall pollution index.
  allpollu: Sensor