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Documentation for the Swarm Bee Client. View at, contributions welcome!

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Bee Documentation Website

Documentation for the Swarm Bee Client. View at


Pull Requests are welcome, but please read our CODING guide!

Node Version

You must use node 18 or above. We recommend nvm.


After the initial cloning of the repo you need to run:

npm ci

to download the exact revisions of the dependencies captured in package-lock.json.

If the dependencies are updated in package.json, or if you wish to test with the latest revisions of the dependencies, then you should run:

npm install

and then consider pushing the updated package-lock.json to the repository if everything works fine.

Local Development

npm start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


npm run build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.

Note about lunr search plugin

The lunr search plugin relies on manual swizzling, which ejects the SearchBar component from the theme to allow for customization. Upgrading the Docusaurus theme WILL NOT upgrade swizzled components. This means upgrading the theme could break the search bare. Therefore whenever you upgrade the theme, make sure to delete the old swizzleed SearchBar component at src/theme/SearchBar and swizzle it again using this command:

npm run swizzle docusaurus-lunr-search SearchBar -- --eject --danger

See the documentation for the above command and the plugin at its github repo here.

Bumping Version

Don't forget to find and replace the version number for the whole of the docs folder.

How to generate / include the API reference html

NOTE: when this is done, the docs will have to be rebuilt.

  1. Get all the OpenAPI YAML source files from the openapi folder of bee repo.
  2. Install Redocly.
  npm i -g @redocly/cli@latest
  1. Generate the index.html file for API docs:
   redocly build-docs Swarm.yaml --theme.openapi.expandDefaultServerVariables=true --disableGoogleFont -o static/api/index.html
  1. Generate the index.html file for debug API docs:
  redocly build-docs SwarmDebug.yaml --theme.openapi.expandDefaultServerVariables=true --disableGoogleFont -o static/debug-api/index.html
  1. Rebuild and redeploy docs.