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@ethereumjs/evm v3.0.0

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@holgerd77 holgerd77 released this 18 Mar 12:55
· 51 commits to master since this release

New EVM.create() Async Static Constructor

This is an in-between breaking release on both the EVM and VM packages due to a problematic top level await() discovery in the underlying rustbn-wasm library (see issue #10) generally affecting the compatiblity of our libraries.

The EVM direct constructor initialization with new EVM() now has been deprecated and replaced by an async static create() constructor, as it is already done in various other libraries in the EthereumJS monorepo, see PRs #3304 and #3315.

An EVM is now initialized like the following (from our examples):

import { hexToBytes } from '@ethereumjs/util'
import { EVM } from '@ethereumjs/evm'

const evm = await EVM.create()
const res = await evm.runCode({ code: hexToBytes('0x6001') })

Beyond solving this specific problem this generally allows for a cleaner and async-complete initialization of underlying libraries and is more future proof towards eventual upcoming async initialization additions.

Note that the direct usage of the main constructor is not possible anymore with these releases and you need to update your constructor usages!

Full 4844 Browser Readiness


Shortly following the "Dencun Hardfork Support" release round from last month, this is now the first round of releases where the EthereumJS libraries are now fully browser compatible regarding the new 4844 functionality, see PRs #3294 and #3296! 🎉

Our WASM wizard @acolytec3 has spent the last two weeks and created a WASM build of the c-kzg library which we have released under the kzg-wasm name on npm (and you can also use independently for other projects). See the newly created GitHub repository for some library-specific documentation.

This WASM KZG library can now be used for KZG initialization (replacing the old recommended c-kzg initialization), see the respective README section from the tx library for usage instructions (which is also accurate for the other using upstream libraries like block or EVM).

Note that kzg-wasm needs to be added manually to your own dependencies and the KZG initialization code needs to be adopted like the following (which you will likely want to do in most cases, so if you deal with post Dencun EVM bytecode and/or 4844 blob txs in any way):

import { loadKZG } from 'kzg-wasm'
import { Chain, Common, Hardfork } from '@ethereumjs/common'

const kzg = await loadKZG()

// Instantiate `common`
const common = new Common({
  chain: Chain.Mainnet,
  hardfork: Hardfork.Cancun,
  customCrypto: { kzg },

Manual addition is necessary because we did not want to bundle our libraries with WASM code by default, since some projects are then prevented from using our libraries.

Note that passing in the KZG setup file is not necessary anymore, since this is now defaulting to the setup file from the official KZG ceremony (which is now bundled with the KZG library).

Trie Node.js Import Bug

Since this fits well also to be placed here relatively prominently for awareness: we had a relatively nasty bug in the @ethereumjs/trie library with a Node.js web stream import also affecting browser compatibility, see PR #3280. This bug has been fixed along with these releases and this library now references the updated trie library version.

Other Changes

  • Support for Preimage generation (verkle-related, experimental), new startReportingPreimages() method, PR #3143 and #3298
  • Early support for EIP-2935 - "Save historical block hashes in state" (Verkle related, likely subject to change), PRs #3268 and #3327
  • Export getOpcodesForHF() helper method, PR #3322