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Jason Heiss edited this page Aug 25, 2014 · 4 revisions

Etch is a tool for managing the configuration of Unix systems. Etch can manage text or binary files, links and directories. The contents of files can be supplied from static files or generated on the fly by scripts or templates. Permissions and ownership as well as any pre or post commands to run when updating the file are configured in simple YAML files.

Etch has a mechanism for classifying systems via both automatically determined and human-assigned attributes, as well as a very powerful system for building configuration files and associating actions and test conditions with updates to those files.

Etch can help you with problems like:

  • Rapid deployment and scalability: If the configuration of systems in your environment is captured in etch then the process of deploying new systems is simple, rapid and repeatable. New systems can be transformed from a stock OS install to fully configured in seconds. Need another system like that overloaded box? Just add the new host to the same groups as the source host (just a few lines in a simple YAML file) and run etch. Seconds later and you've got a duplicate configuration.
  • Disaster recovery: Need to duplicate your hosts in another location for disaster recovery or replace a host after a hardware failure? Just add the new hosts to the appropriate configuration groups and you're done.
  • Compliance with SOX, PCI or other regulations: Using a consistent, repeatable tool like etch helps you demonstrate to your auditors good control of your environment.

Etch is certainly not the only game in town. Cfengine and puppet are probably the two other most widely used system configuration management tools. So why use etch? Here are a few reasons:

  • Simplicity: In either cfengine or puppet you have a maze of classes, controls, modules, resources, etc. Where you store your configuration within your cfengine or puppet tree has no obvious correlation to where it ends up on your clients. You can and will spend hours, quite possibly days, studying manuals and searching the web just to get the simplest initial setup. In etch if you want to configure /etc/ntp.conf it goes in source/etc/ntp.conf/ End of story. No 200 page manual to pore over and still be left guessing whether your NTP configuration belongs in a module or a resource, or maybe both, or neither?
  • Power: cfengine doesn't actually support doing much that is useful. So you end up using it as a framework for a bunch of little shell scripts you hack together. Puppet is somewhat better, but still lacking. Etch does one thing and does it very well: manage config files. It was designed so that you configure it to generally mimic what a system administrator would do to configure a system, including installing associated packages, inserting a whole configuration file (static or generated dynamically) or editing the default config file, restart association daemons, etc.

Etch groups configuration by file. All of your configuration for a given file is in one place. But configuration for a given service may be located in several places in the repository if the service requires configuring multiple files. Most other popular tools group configuration by service or group. Your entire configuration for a given service (which may involve several files) is in one place. However, if multiple services need to make changes to a particular file the tool has to perform conflict resolution. Neither approach is clearly “right”, but the etch approach does simplify troubleshooting if the resulting configuration isn’t what you wanted, and as mentioned above reduces your confusion about where to put things in the repository.

Etch supports three ways of building configuration files: from pre-built configuration, from templates, or completely on the fly via user-supplied scripts. Most tools limit you to one or two of those options. But by far the most unique feature of etch is that those scripts have read-only access to the original file, as saved by etch before it was modified, and can perform edits and transformations on its contents to produce the desired file. The original contents never change, so if you decide an edit is no longer desired you simply remove it from your script and it is not applied the next time etch runs. The edit process is automatically idempotent, as your edits are always applied to the original, not an already edited file.

Try a demo of etch on your systems. Read the FAQ and manual for more details of how etch works.