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Review Process

Eric Bixby edited this page May 13, 2022 · 7 revisions

Per the Mozilla/Firefox submission guidelines, add-ons that use transcompilers, like this one, need to be reproducible from the source code:

If the source is built by the reviewer close to the date of the original build, the dependencies will likely be the same versions, so the review should pass.

However, two or more years after being approved, if the add-on is re-reviewed, then the generated build output will likely be different due to dependency version differences.

Therefore, use "npm shrinkwrap" on 'weh' to re-create the same dependency versions used.

Normally, the reviewer should be able to follow the Build Process instructions. However, due to issues with WebPack, the build results differ based of the platform/environment differences.

Therefore, use the Docker Process instead for consistent build results.