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GitHub Issue Labels

Eric Bixby edited this page Mar 5, 2022 · 4 revisions

Using GitHub issue labels based on the following blog post by Dave Lunny:

  • Priority:

    • P1 - Critical - This problem will block progress.
    • P2 - High - Serious problem that could block progress.
    • P3 - Medium - Has the potential to affect progress.
    • P4 - Low - Minor problem or easily worked around.
    • P5 - Trivial - Trivial problem with little or no impact on progress.
  • Status:

    • Abandoned - The issue is not being worked on.
    • Accepted - The code has been reviewed and is ready for an upcoming release.
    • Available - The issue is available or open for assignment.
    • Blocked - The issue is blocked due to something that needs to be done first.
    • Completed - The issue is closed.
    • In Progress - The issue is currently being worked on.
    • On Hold - Waiting for information or action from someone other than the requester.
    • Pending - The issue has been assigned but is not currently being worked on.
    • Review Needed - The issue needs to be reviewed by someone (needs a code review).
    • Revision Needed - The code has been reviewed but needs to be updated.
  • Type:

    • Bug - The issue documents a broken, incorrect, or confusing feature behavior.
    • Enhancement - The issue is a request for new functionality.
    • Maintenance - The issue is for code cleanup or typos, but does not change or improve feature behavior.
    • Question/Comment - The issue is more of a question or comment than a request for a new feature or to report a broken feature.